Small Household Appliance & ITV Campaign Performance Monitor
Our CPM Methodology A cookie is dropped on to a viewers computer when they view the relevant ad While the campaign happens, a questionnaire is scripted for client agreement After the campaign finishes an overlay survey is served to everyone that visits, but the cookie- ing tells us who has been previously exposed
Our Sample Unexposed (to and TV) = respondents who did not recall the ad either on or TV and who did not have a cookie from the ad on on their PC (n=598) Solus TV exposed = respondents who recalled seeing the ad on TV, but who did not recall the ad and who did not have a cookie from the ad on on their PC (n= 1110) Solus website exposed = respondents who recalled seeing the ad on or who had a cookie from the ad on on their PC, but who did not recall seeing the ad on TV (n=80) Dual exposed = respondents who recalled seeing the ad on TV and who were exposed to the campaign (recalled seeing the ad on or had a cookie from the ad on on their PC) (n=316)
The Campaign The advertising campaign for this small household appliance comprised a video ad which ran from 4 th – 24 th April 2011 on There was also a TV campaign which overlapped with the online campaign. Fieldwork was conducted between 26 th April – 2 nd May The sample comprised 2,104 UK respondents. Of those 1,506 were exposed (71.6%) to the campaign on and/or TV while 598 were not exposed (28.4%) to either medium.
Respondent Profile *Watched Full Length programmes on VOD
Significance Testing Significance testing is carried out to make sure that variations in results are genuine comparisons. If something is significant at 95% it is saying that 95 times out of 100, when repeated this result will be the same within calculated margins of error.
The Results
Brand Consideration increases by +20% from unexposed to dual exposed 55% 61% 66% Q8. Which of these statements best describes how much you would consider buying each of the following? ? (All Respondents aware of ‘core’ brands)
Clear uplift in agreement towards Brand Growth after dual exposure to the ad 66% 79% 72% 81% Q9. Which of the following phrases best describes what you feel is happening to each brand? (All Respondents aware of ‘core’ brands)
Recommendation (Mean Scores) Overall recommendation was high, with duals showing the highest level Q14. How likely would you be to recommend this small Household Appliance to a friend or colleague? Please answer on a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 is 'would not recommend' and 10 is 'would definitely recommend'. (Base: All respondents who own / use this brand)
Dual exposed respondents felt a particularly positive association with the brand Q18. Which of these statements describes your feelings about this ad? (Please select all that apply) (Base: All respondents able to view the ad at Q15)
Summary By adding VOD to the TV campaign, this small household appliance has seen an uplift in all of the following measures: Spontaneous Brand & Advertising Recall Brand Consideration Depth of agreement towards Brand Growth & Brand Quality Recommendation Brand messages from the creative were clearly understood All forms of post-ad response and reactions have been improved via dual exposure to the campaign