Electronic Publishing and Open Access New Alternatives for Scientific Communication Aina Svensson, The Ultuna Library, 2005-10-14
Questions to be answered What is Open Access? Why Open Access? How Does the Scientific Communication Process Work Today? What Can the SLU Libraries and Researchers Do? Aina Svensson, The Ultuna Library, 2005-10-14
What is Open Access? Open Access is a new way in organizing the distribution of scientific information. Open Access = –[…] free availability on the public internet, permitting any users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to full texts of these articles […] The Berlin Declaration 2003 Aina Svensson, The Ultuna Library, 2005-10-14
Why Open Access? The accessibility Shorten the delay between acceptance and publication Increased visibility for each article Economical savings Aina Svensson, The Ultuna Library, 2005-10-14
How Does the Scientific Communication Process Work Today? Research is payed with public funds. The publishers receive scientific results, editing work etc. for free by the scientists. Scientists give away their copyright to the publishers in exchange for publishing and distribution. Universities (e.g. libraries) buy their own scientific results back from the commercial publishers. Aina Svensson, The Ultuna Library, 2005-10-14
How much does a scientific journal cost? Aina Svensson, The Ultuna Library, 2005-10-14
Background to Open Access High journal prices Libraries/universities can not afford the journals. Limited access to research results to a growing potential audience. Internet - the possibilities to publish the full text of a article or report in electronic form. Aina Svensson, The Ultuna Library, 2005-10-14
Open Access - two roads Self archiving in a digital archive A researcher can place a copy of each article in an Open Access archive or repository. Publishing in an Open Access journal A researcher can publish articles in an Open Access journal. Aina Svensson, The Ultuna Library, 2005-10-14
Open Access Publishing DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals BioMed Central - Open Access publisher. SLU reaserchers can publish for free. PLoS - Public Library of Science, Open Access journals. PLoS Biology Epsilon - Electronic Publishing at SLU Aina Svensson, The Ultuna Library, 2005-10-14
What are the SLU Libraries doing to support Open Access? Epsilon Coordination projects national, international VäxtEko We disseminate the SLU research! Copyright agreements Publication database Information and support in Open Access and electronic publishing. Aina Svensson, The Ultuna Library, 2005-10-14
Electronic publishing in Epsilon Libris National library system for Sweden Lukas Catalogue of the SLU Libraries SLU departmental web sites Epsilon Uppsök Undergraduate theses in full text Search services on Internet Google, yahoo, OAister, etc. Aina Svensson, The Ultuna Library, 2005-10-14
What can the SLU reasearchers and students do to support Open Access? How to publish in Epsilon? Aina Svensson, The Ultuna Library, 2005-10-14
SLU Libraries website Epsilon Aina Svensson, The Ultuna Library, 2005-10-14
http://epsilon.slu.se Aina Svensson, The Ultuna Library, 2005-10-14
Register/log in to Epsilon Aina Svensson, The Ultuna Library, 2005-10-14
Web form Aina Svensson, The Ultuna Library, 2005-10-14
Accept the agreement for e-publishing Aina Svensson, The Ultuna Library, 2005-10-14
Upload the PDF file Aina Svensson, The Ultuna Library, 2005-10-14
Check entered data Aina Svensson, The Ultuna Library, 2005-10-14
Deposit thesis Aina Svensson, The Ultuna Library, 2005-10-14
When an author has submitted a thesis to the Epsilon publishing system a librarian will edit the entered data before the electronic publishing. Aina Svensson, The Ultuna Library, 2005-10-14
Published thesis Aina Svensson, The Ultuna Library, 2005-10-14