Factors leading to Rise of Dictators “Big Four” Treaty of Versailles Economic Problems ________ Republic Lost Faith in ___________ League of Nations use of ___________ U.S. President Wilson Italian Prime Minister Orlando French Prime Minister Clemenceau British Prime Minister George
RISE OF FASCISM IN ITALY __________________ is a “Totalitarian” government which: Glorifies the state ___ leader and one party Society controlled by the government No opposition/protests are tolerated ________________ and _______________ widely practiced Anti-Democratic Benito Mussolini - 1922 Est. Fascism Joined Germany in 1940
BENITO MUSSOLINI – “IL DUCE” 1922 – “March on _____” “Blackshirts” Expected loyalty to Italy “Believe, Obey, Fight” 14 ________= medal Educate youth “Sons of the Wolf” Expansion “Survival of the Fittest”
STALIN’S COMMUNIST RUSSIA 1924 – Lenin died Power struggle between Joseph Stalin and Leon Trotsky 1928 – Stalin is leader “_____________________” Make USSR modern Oil/Coal/Steel “Collective Farms” Peasants forced to join Peasants resisted “Terror Famine” “Gulags”
STALIN’S COMMUNIST RUSSIA 1934 – “_____________” Characteristics of Communism “Classless society” Society controlled by gov’t Terror Censorship Propaganda “___________________” Opposite of capitalism “_________________”
FRANCISCO FRANCO’S SPAIN 1931 – Spanish Civil War “Nationalists” – Franco Germany/Italy began sending soldiers/supplies to Franco Guernica “weapons experiment” Pablo Picasso
Japanese Expansionism _____________ = Emperor Hideki ______ = Minister of War Issei – foreign-born Japanese in U.S. before 1924 _______ – children of Issei born in U.S. 1931 -- Japan invaded Manchuria Raw Materials living space 1937 – Japan attacked ___________ – WWII in Asia Hirohito Tojo
Rise of Nazi Germany Fought for Germany in WWI “Iron Cross” 7th member of ____ Party 1921 – leader of Nazi Party Pledged to correct Germany’s problems
Rise of Nazi Germany 1923 – Beer Hall Putsch 1925 – 25K Nazis Failed Hitler thrown into jail “___________________” __________ Race Hatred of Jews/Commies ____________________ Blamed Germany’s problems on T of V (Stab in the Back Theory), Jews, Commies, Weimar Republic Nazi Bible 1925 – 25K Nazis
Rise of Nazi Germany 10/29/1929 – “Black _______” 1929 – 180K Nazis Economic crisis helped pave way for Hitler/Nazis 1932 – Nazi Party – largest in ___________________ 1/30 1933 – Von Hindenburg appoints Hitler as ________ Hitler put people to work in armament factories and public works programs
Great Depression and High Unemployment and led to a dramatic increase in votes for Hitler and the Nazi Party Election date Votes in millions % May 20, 1928 0.81 2.6 September 14, 1930 6.41 18.3 July 31, 1932 13.75 37.3 November 6, 1932 11.74 33.1 March 5, 1933 17.28 43.9
Rise of Nazi Germany Feb 1933 – Reichstag Fire “Russian Terrorism or Nazi Propaganda???” 3/23/1933 – ______________ “Law for Removing the Distress of the People and the Reich” Symbolic beginning of dictatorship Censorship “_____” – motto – “My honor is called loyalty” Hitler’s “Praetorian Guard” Gestapo “HJ’ 6/30/1934 – Night of __________
Rise of Nazi Germany 8/2/1934 – Von Hindenburg dies “_______________” takes over “Today Germany, Tomorrow the World” 8/19/1934 – ______% approval in plebescite vote HITLER’S TREATMENT OF JEWS 1935 – _________________ Laws 11/9/1938 – _________________ 1941 – “Einsatzgruppen” 1942 – _____________ Conference