JRA 3 // WP 24 European Modelling & Data Analysis Facility (EMDAF) development of a distributed computational and data analysis.


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Presentation transcript:

JRA 3 // WP 24 European Modelling & Data Analysis Facility (EMDAF) development of a distributed computational and data analysis service for the European planetary science Coordinator: M.L.Khodachenko ( IWF-ÖAW, Graz, Austria ) Deputy: S. Miller ( UCL, London, UK ) Task Leaders: R. Stöckler, F. Topf ( IWF-ÖAW, Graz, Austria ) EC Grant agreement n°

Space and Earth-based Observational facilities Space and Earth-based Observational facilities Laboratory facilities field analogues Comp. modelling & data analysis facilities Planetary Research Community Data bases Dedicated Services Research Infrastructures Science Drivers A key idea: EuroPlaNet must cross- fertilise science drivers (themes) and techniques to address them EuroPlaNet in the overall planetary science context

1 - Science activities in support to the optimal use of data from past and present space missions, involving the broad planetary science community beyond the «space club», 2 - Science activities in support to the preparation of future planetary missions : Earth-based preparatory observations, laboratory studies, R and D on advanced instrumentation and exploration technologies for the future, theory and modelling, … 3 EuroPlaNet Two main objectives

JRA-3 / EMDAF  Data analysis & modeling – two basic components of scientific research  Two aspects of modeling: -- Theoretical modelling -- Numerical modelling / simulation  Variety of numerical models and data analysis algorithms is available now at the European planetary science community  Each Numerical Code or Software is associated with a certain team or group of teams  Know-how (i. e. local nature) - Development of software - Support of operation - Application to particular problems Need of specific knowledge & qualifications ● Motivation for proposing JRA-3 / EMDAF : Involvement of computing power & resource

JRA-3 / EMDAF Development / operation of complex advanced software tools requires professional expertise and full enga- gement of the staff Specialization of teams in particular kinds of M & DA software    Other research groups dealt with theoretical and applied planetary science problems may need application of advanced DA & M methods in their study.  Potential users  Engagement into development of advanced & complex software not always can be easy combined with the efficient scientific research ● Motivation for proposing JRA-3 / EMDAF :  The need to provide conditions under which development and applicatopn of numerical tools for observational data analysis and modeling are performed in close interrelation & coordination between software developers and scientific research teams Distributed and Coordinated Interdisciplinary Facility for Planetary Computational Modelling and Data Analysis  a new type of Research Infrastructure (RI)

JRA-3 / EMDAF Creation of a distributed and coordinated RI, based on the existing in Europe computational modelling and data analysis centres, which will provide the scientific community with the dedicated services in the fields of their computational & data analysis expertise. ● Main Strategic Goal : ● Matter of work : EMDAF will provide a set demonstrators and opera- tional tests of interconnected Computational Modelling & multi-disciplinary Data Analysis service in key areas of European Planetary Science. 1)Space weather, incl. magnetospheric & atmospheric aspects; 2)Mars in time & space; 3)Environment of airless bodies, Mercury & Moon; 4)Comets

JRA-3 / EMDAF EMDAF will:  Develop web-based tools for planetary scientists to communicate with modelling and data analysis experts;  Produce an Interactive Catalogue of planetary models & data analysis tools;  Develop a Distributed Numerical Modelling Laboratory, to allow scientists to specify inputs for models to be run “on demand”, including coordinated, interconnected, multi-disciplinary simulations;  Develop a Distributed Data Analysis Laboratory with services “on demand”;  Enable the codes involved with the DNML and DDAL to run on HPC facilities, in cooperation with the European HPC Grid DEISA-2;  Perform further elaboration of data analysis and modelling methods for their coodinated use by the scientific community. ● Matter of work :

JRA-3 / EMDAF Task#2: ICPM&DAT Task#3: DNML Task#4: DDAL Task#5: HPC resources and standatds Task#1: Management of EMDAF (JRA3) Task#1 Coordination and Management Task#2 Interactive Catalogue of Planetary Models & Data Analysis Tools (ICPM&DAT) Task#3 Distributed Numerical Modelling Laboratory (DNML) Task#4 Distributed Data Analysis Laboratory (DDAL) Task#5 Enabling High Performance & Grid Computing Architec- tures, Codes Standardization ● Structure of the activity: Tasks / Sub-divisions

JRA-3 / EMDAF  Each of 5 Working Tasks of JRA-3 / EMDAF has 2 responsible leaders and a team (group of scientists / labs);  Coordination of EMDAF, as a distributed RI, will be performed by the Board of Experts (leaders of Tasks);  To reach its goals on establishing dedicated modelling and data analysis services, JRA3 / EMDAF will develop and provide: - Specialized user services within particular Tasks; Flexible schedules - Topic oriented tutorial teams + communication - Broad advertising of the available services  Collaboration of many laboratories and individual scientists will be ensured by 1) Joint authorship of papers and the inclusion into mission teams; 2) strict & clear copy right policy; 3) Reimbursement of compu- tational service and software R&D work on a sub-contract basis;  Cooperation with other activities in EUROPLANET (NA1, NA2, JRA-IDIS). ● Organizational principles & management :

Planetary Object (phenomenon) To be observed Set of observing tools: -- g.-based telescopes, -- space missions Observers Supprot staff Coordinated observations ● General similarity with coordinated observations: Scientific research discipline N2 DWGs Research scientists Numerical problem; Simulation or data analysis task Set of numerical tools: -- Comp.facilities -- Num.codes/algorithms Computer scientists Simulation experts Support staff Coordinated simulations JRA-3 / EMDAF

EMDAF within EUROPLANET FP7 will gain and foster the syner- gies of coordinated and coherent use of available computational modelling and data analysis RIs (computational resources and services, data bases). It will serve as a prototype of a new kind of pan-European inter- national Research Infrastructure which will provide the scientific community with the dedicated services in the field of computa- tional modelling and data analysis. ● European/International Perspectives:

♦ Community Coordinated Modeling Center - Goals:  provides, to the international research community, access to modern space science simulations and supports the transition of modern space research models to space weather operations : by an automated request system for model runs by modern, online, visualization and analysis tools by standard data formats for simulation data downloads  tests and evaluates models: against standard metrics through event studies, and through real-time calculations in support of the needs of science users and space weather forecasters  supports Space Weather forecasters : through transitioning of research models to operations through model evaluations through the provisions of forecasting tools JRA-3 / EMDAF ● Similar activities world-wide :

♦ Variety of Model Runs in CCMC:  Runs on Request: is a free service open to any scientist interested in running a space weather model that resides at the CCMC. You have to register with name and and are allowed to make up to 4 different submissions per day. Outputs of all runs are archived on the CCMC's data storage systems and are publicly accessible by means of CCMC tools.archived Possibility of costumized runs via a « special request » manually treated by the CCMC staff, including extending run duration, creating a new simulation grid, modification of standard boundary conditions and other minor code modifications. CCMC staff is always available to answer questions regarding model results and their applicability to specific science problems. Furthermore, CCMC staff will assist users in the interpretation of simulation results if requested.  Instant Run: models are available for instant execution and results viewing through an online interface.  Real Time Run: periodically executed real time simulations and its results viewed online. JRA-3 / EMDAF ● Similar activities world-wide :

♦ “Service” tasks of EMDAF / JRA-3 / are to some extend similar to those of the recently created in USA the “Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC) ” = multi-agency partnership to enable, support and perform the R&D for next-generation space science & space weather models ( Original features of EMDAF, which differ it from the CCMC are: - Orientation to the European modelling, data analysis and user teams; - Inclusion into the EMDAF “service package” of not only modelling, but also data analysis activities; - Broader then just space-weather applications spectrum of topical areas for modelling and data analysis work with the inclusion of the whole variety of planetary science phenomena and problems; - Inclusion into the EMDAF activity scope of not only applica- tion of separate existing codes, but also providing of R&D support for users, development of standards, and organization of coordinated interconnected multi-disciplinary and multi-model simulation runs. JRA-3 / EMDAF

♦ COST ACTION 724:  The main objective was the development of the scientific basis for monitoring, modelling and predicting Space Weather. JRA-3 / EMDAF ● Similar activities world-wide :

♦ Virtual Sun/Earth Observatory (VESO): Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) is providing archives to some older data sets, which may still be useful to the science community. /  These include various items: TSS and UARS spacecraft TSSUARS DMSP probes DMSP NOAA's POES SEM data NOAA's POES SEM  Several instruments of: Dynamics Explorer (DE-1/DE-2) satellites Dynamics Explorer the Geomagnetic Solar Indices approximately 30 years of IMP-8 dataIMP-8  All available via a AJAX catalogue and plot browser, datasets downloadable in ASCII CDF netCDF and XML JRA-3 / EMDAF ● Similar activities world-wide :

♦ Virtual Heliospheric Observatory (VHO): Official NASA Virtual Observatory provides:  An online data query builder and a vast DB of empirical data including: ACE, Genesis, Geotail, HELIOS, IMP, Mars Global Surveyor, Neutron Monitors, PIONEER, PROGNOZ, Pioneer Venus Orbiter, SOHO, STEREO, Ulysses, VOYAGER, Vega, Wind ACEGenesisGeotailHELIOSIMPMars Global Surveyor PIONEERPROGNOZPioneer Venus OrbiterSOHOSTEREOUlyssesVOYAGER VegaWind  SPASE Query Language (SPASEQL): is an effort within the HPDE to use the SPASE data model and associated terminology to create a standardized communication language for HPDE Virtual Observatories. SPASEQL defines XML-based standards for query and response message construction such that the VxOs have a common basis for communication.HPDESPASE  Some tools to: display spacecraft trajectories(SSC 4D Orbit Viewer (TIPSOD)),a cdf to SPACE converter and a Git source code repository.SSC 4D Orbit Viewer (TIPSOD)Git source code repository JRA-3 / EMDAF ● Similar activities world-wide :

♦ Virtual Magnetospheric Observatory (VMO): Official NASA Virtual Observatory provides:  An online data query builder and a vast DB of spacecraft and ground station data: AMPTE, GEOS, Geotail, IMP, Interball Tail, POLAR, PROGNOZ, ST5, THEMIS, WIND, and a lot of ground based magnetometer data. AMPTEGEOSGeotailIMPInterball TailPOLARPROGNOZST5THEMISWIND  SPASE Query Language (SPASEQL): is an effort within the HPDE to use the SPASE data model and associated terminology to create a standardized communication language for HPDE Virtual Observatories. SPASEQL defines XML-based standards for query and response message construction such that the VxOs have a common basis for communication.HPDESPASE  Some tools to: display spacecraft trajectories(SSC 4D Orbit Viewer (TIPSOD)),a cdf to SPACE converter and a Git source code repository.SSC 4D Orbit Viewer (TIPSOD)Git source code repository JRA-3 / EMDAF ● Similar activities world-wide :

♦ Center for Space Environment Modeling (CSEM): provide a working prototype of the NASA-funded Space Weather Modeling Framework SWMF serving the Sun-Earth modeling community.  It links together 9 models from the surface of the Sun to the upper atmosphere of the Earth: 1.SC – Solar Corona which includes the Eruptive Event Generator 2.IH – Inner Heliosphere 3.SP – Solar Energetic Particles 4.GM – Global Magnetosphere 5.IM – Inner Magnetosphere 6.PW – Polar Wind 7.RB – Radiation Belts 8.IE – Ionosphere Electrodynamics 9.UA – Upper Atmosphere  In the future the SWMF may be extended to include even more physics domains: Cometary Environment, Interstellar Neutrals, Outer Heliosphere, Plasmasphere, Planetary Satellites and Polar Wind. The SWMF implementation is based on the component technology and Object-Oriented Programming emulated in Fortran 90. The SWMF parallel communications are based on the MPI standard. JRA-3 / EMDAF ● Similar activities world-wide :

♦ Center for integrated Space Weather Modelling (CISM): will integrate existing simulations of the four regions of space weather activity based on models already developed by Center members: a model of the solar corona (SAIC), a model of the solar wind developed at the University of Colorado, a Dartmouth model of the magnetosphere, and a model of the interaction between the magnetosphere and earth’s ionosphere (NCAR).  Maybe useful due to: CISM_DX: ( is a community-developed suite of integrated data, models, and data and model explorers, for research and education. The data and model explorers are based on code written for OpenDX and Octave. Providing some Publications, Presentations and Documents about space weather related topics. JRA-3 / EMDAF ● Similar activities world-wide :

● JRA3 Questionnaire: IWF conducted a short circular to many potentially interested people from former Europlanet Projects. List of parameters: Name Institute and Adress Telephone Provider and/or User of Computational models Data analysis tools Area(s) of Application Short description Textual description Type of code Background algorithm Required resource Generality => Matrix of Associates JRA-3 / EMDAF

● JRA3 Associates Matrix:  The Goal was to establish a list of reliable providers and users of our catalogue and to involve them as far as possible into the process of building it. We need them to: Find out what models and tools the participants like to provide. Find out what are the most wanted category groups (Models, DA Tools) and services.  Snapshot of the Associates Matrix: JRA-3 / EMDAF

EC Grant agreement n° ● JRA3/EMDAF Splinter Meeting: September 14, 2009; Kongresshotel Potsdam, Germany. 8 speakers 3 posters this meeting and held 3 presentations about the JRA3/EMDAF project in general, and 5 presentations about suitable computational models and data analysis tools, all presentation slides available online at JRA3-TWiki.JRA3-TWiki A User Requirement Document Query to clarify fundamental questions about the EMDAF catalogue was prepared and distributed. A JRA3 Poster and Leaflet were prepared and hung out at the Kongresshotel New links to users and providers were established. JRA-3 / EMDAF

EC Grant agreement n° ● Teleconferences ● To enhance the efficiency of performing of Task 2, a working group has been created: ♦ UCL ♦ IWF-Graz ♦ CNRS/UJF ♦ FMI ♦ DHConsultancy. ● Several coordinating tele(web)-conferences of this workgroup have been held online. Their conclusions and outcome have been documented within a subweb of the TWiki System. JRA-3 / EMDAF

● JRA3 Online Questionnaire: An Online Questionnaire has been established and integrated in the JRA3- EMDAF webpage in November JRA-3 / EMDAF

● JRA3 Online Feedback Form: An Online Feedback Section has been added to the JRA3-EMDAF webpage in November It enables commenting and giving feedback on our project. JRA-3 / EMDAF

User Requirement Document Query to clarify fundamental questions about the EMDAF catalogue. This was prepared and distributed at EPSC’09. JRA-3 / EMDAF

EC Grant agreement n° First User Requirement Document DRAFT done by IWF- Graz and based on the IDIS URD. ● JRA3 User Requirement Document: JRA-3 / EMDAF

EC Grant agreement n° ● JRA3 working Catalogue Prototype: User registration & account managment Add Resources (both cm & dat) Edit Resources (both cm & dat) Text search (to be implemented) Browse Entries  Via keywords  Via Category JRA-3 / EMDAF

EC Grant agreement n° Communication and Discussion GoToMeeting Tool Face-to-Face Meetings Decision and Design exchange over Mailing-Lists Twiki Collaboration Platform Implementation and Testing Development Environment Test-Server + Test- Database SVN Version Control Operation and Maintenance Running Environment Public-Server + Public Database Manual synchronization ● Workflow & Tools JRA-3 / EMDAF

EC Grant agreement n° EMDAF User Community Public Server Public Database Test Server Test Database GoToMeeting Tool TWiki Collaboration Platform EMDAFWebportal SVN Version Control System Manual synchronization ● Infrastructure & Tools JRA-3 / EMDAF Expert exchange EMDAF Infrastructure EMDAF Developer Team

32 Features: CITRIX GoToMeeting (corporate) ♦ Collaboration Tools: ♦ Sharing: Desktop, selected applications and documents. ♦ One-Click meetings: Instant meetings over homepage with MEET-NOW. ♦ Multiple Presenters: Give control to your or every participants desktop. ♦ Drawing Tools: Draw, highlight or point items on the screen. ♦ Communication Tools: (25 attendees) ♦ Text chat: With all participant simultaneously or a specific attendant. ♦ Integrated Free Audio-conferencing with headset over internet and/or ♦ Teleconferencing via a specific phone number given at the invitation. (local) ♦ Web Service API: Integrate the GoToMeeting functionality directly at websites. ♦ Other: ♦ Quick, easy and secure administration over SSL protected Web Site. ♦ Recording of the Meeting. EC Grant agreement n° JRA-3 / EMDAF

EC Grant agreement n° TWiki is: A structured Wiki typically used to run as: Collaboration platform Document management system Knowledge base Team portal. The main purpose of this tool within EuroPlaNet: To trace the complete development process of the activities For information exchan- ge over involved teams Future participants and easier reporting. JRA-3 / EMDAF

EC Grant agreement n° JRA3 Webpage: Based on a Design provided by the project management (PM5). IWF Graz Team provided this Design as Template for free available Typo3 CMS (PM6). Contains all News & Events, general information and references to the other systems used within EMDAF. JRA-3 / EMDAF