Monday, 10/28/13 Good morning! Please remember to get your folder. Take out everything from your folder and place it into your binder before you do anything else. Agenda First Five Vocabulary DOL Grammar Writing (Reading Response- Compare and Contrast Character POV) Reminders EXLPORE GB C : Wednesday 10/30
First Five Monday
Vocabulary Enervate The Special Forces team hoped that the night raids would enervate the enemy. BONUS: Decide whether each word below is a synonym or an antonym of enervate. Revive Energize Lessen Relax Wane Enliven Tire Renew
DOL The song meet me in st. Louis has been popular for a long time because many famous singers have sang it in different versions. She went inside of the vacant house but she wouldn’t go down in the basement said Mia.
Grammar Define the parts of speech listed below. Give an examples for each. 1. noun _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. pronoun ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. verb ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. adjective _____________________________________________________________________________ 5. adverb _____________________________________________________________________________ 6. preposition ___________________________________________________________________________ 7. conjunction ___________________________________________________________________________ 8. interjection ___________________________________________________________________________
Gathering Blue Reading Response Think of an event that happened in the reading. For this particular event, each character had a different point of view. Compare and contrast how two or more characters felt about a particular event. Think about what the characters said and did. How were their actions, thoughts, and feelings different? Be sure to include any evidence you found in the text. Sentence Starters: From (First Character)’s point of view… (Explain what the first character thought or felt.) I know this because… (Explain the key details that helped you understand the character’s point of view.) (Second Character) felt… because… The characters’ points of view were similar because… The characters’ points of view were different because…
Tuesday, 10/29/13 Good morning! Please remember to get your folder. Take out everything from your folder and place it into your binder before you do anything else. Agenda *EXPLORE* First Five Vocabulary DOL Grammar Reminders GB C : Wednesday 10/30
First Five Tuesday
Vocabulary Covert The fictitious James Bond was a master of covert operations. BONUS Name a synonym for covert. Name an antonym for covert. Complete the analogy covert : ______________________ :: ___________________ : ________________________
DOL Is the people in the west more friendly than those in the east She must of did her packing early mom since she left for new York at 6:30 AM.
Wednesday, 10/30/13 Good morning! Please remember to get your folder. Take out everything from your folder and place it into your binder before you do anything else. Agenda First Five Vocabulary DOL Grammar GB C Reading Guide Reminders GB C : Today
First Five Wednesday
Vocabulary Adulation After the spelling bee, the audience lavished the ten-year-old winner with adulation. BONUS: Give a synonym for adulation.
DOL Who has broke this lamp again shouted mom it is an heirloom that I prize and like very much. We have wrote our rough drafts of the essays and now we have a lot of revising to do.
Grammar Crazy Tales Crazy Tales Super Grammar Ninja Super Grammar Ninja
Thursday, 10/31/13 Good morning! Please remember to get your folder. Take out everything from your folder and place it into your binder before you do anything else. Agenda First Five Vocabulary DOL Grammar Lit Study Groups- C Reminders GB Writing Prompt Due Tomorrow Quiz Tomorrow
First Five Thursday
Vocabulary Caucus The president met with the delegated caucus to discuss the response to terrorist threats. The word originates from the Algonquin Indian word caucauesu (elder, counselor). The expression smoke-filled room is anther term for caucus, a meeting of politicians. It has been explained that this term was used not only because politicians may smoke as the discuss the issues, but many of the issues are likely to be cloudy as a result of all the “hot air.” BONUS: Use caucus in a sentence of your own.
DOL That boy who is very independent never asks for any help and don’t like to give none to others. They should of went to see the play elmer gantry when it was at the regency theater.
Grammar Crazy Tales Crazy Tales Super Grammar Ninja Super Grammar Ninja
Friday, 11/1/13 Good morning! Please remember to get your folder. Take out everything from your folder and place it into your binder before you do anything else. Agenda First Five Parts of Speech Matching DOL, Vocabulary & Grammar Quiz Reminders GB C : NEXT Wednesday 11/6
First Five Friday