Strategic Planning Update Contents: Review Strategic Planning Framework (from Board 8/20) SP Situation Assessment Progress Report SP SA Exercise: Foundation Interview Synthesis NSOL Board – November 12, 2012
In August 2012 the Board adopted Principles to guide and clarify intent for Strategic Planning Process Principles for the Strategic Planning Process: Board Role – The Board as a whole provides oversight and approves the outputs of the strategic planning process. Project Management – The Board delegates design and management of the process to a Project Management team including non-board members. Transparency – A description of the process, content and outputs of each major activity are available to all interested stakeholders. Stakeholder Input – The project management team welcomes and seeks input from all interested stakeholders. Explicit Planning Outputs – The process is intended to deliver concrete and explicit outputs this planning year ( ). Iterative Process – The process will be designed with steps that are intended to be iterated annually, or as deemed appropriate by the board. NSOL Board – November 12, 2012 Review from 8/20
In August 2012 the Board adopted a Framework to provide common vocabulary and reference for Strategic Planning NSOL Board – November 12, 2012 Mission Vision A vivid articulation of the organization’s long-term aspirations that offers inspiration and guides strategy. 20+ year time horizon Revised every 5 years, or as needed Strategy Major choices selected from among alternatives that impact resource allocation decisions. 3 to 5 year time horizon Revised every 1 to 2 years, or as needed Initiatives Efforts intended to implement the strategy of an organization. 1 to 3 year time horizon Revised every year Strategic Planning Framework Review from 8/20
In August the Board adopted a multi-stage Strategic Planning Calendar with a Situation Assessment ending in December NSOL Board – November 12, 2012 Situation Assessment Vision Strategy Initiatives DecemberMarchJuneSeptember Strategic Planning Calendar: We are here Revised since 8/20
The Situation Assessment stage is progressing as planned with major outputs expected by the end of December 2012 NSOL Board – November 12, 2012 Foundation Survey Foundation Interviews Working Sessions Situation Assessment SeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember Situation Assessment Workflow Status as of today: Foundation Interviews are complete and data have been aggregated First of 4 sessions to synthesize data is tonight with the board Date proposed for 3 hour Board working session in December Status as of today: Foundation Interviews are complete and data have been aggregated First of 4 sessions to synthesize data is tonight with the board Date proposed for 3 hour Board working session in December Online survey with 8 open- ended questions Targeted all Board and all Staff 33 respondents (~50% response rate) Produced ~250 inputs Standardized 30-minute phone interviews Included all Board; a cross section of Staff, current/former parents; and external experts (2 local ed. professionals and 2 Montessori HOS) ~40 participants Generated 1,000+ “opinions” Facilitated working sessions of 1.5 to 3 hrs Sessions open to any stakeholder (exception: Board “trial run”) Sessions “stand alone” to allow partial participation Calendar of meetings Mon 8pm (Board) Sun 3-6pm Thu 9-10:30am Tue 7-8:30pm Synthesis and Summary of Situation Assessment TBC – Board Sessions Sun 12/9 afternoon Mon Deliverables include 360 Degree Mosaic S.W.O.T. Priority Issues
A portion of the agenda for this Board meeting has been set aside to “road test” a group exercise ahead of upcoming SP Working Sessions NSOL Board – November 12, 2012 Steps for the Exercise Setup: Instructions & Forming Teams Step 1: Review & Theme Data Step 2: Select & Discuss Theme Step 3: Synthesize Views in Worksheet Note: Detailed instructions, worksheets and data sheets to be provided during exercise Objectives for the Exercise Leverage available resources (get some work done!) Provide participants with perspective on opinions (which may differ from your own) – all opinions are valid Create experienced “ambassadors” who can relate what is happening with Strategic Planning and can help make future sessions run smoothly