Warwickshire’s BIG conversation about Alcohol Sean Meehan and Sarah Burwood Friday 17 th January 2014
Alcohol attributable hospital admissions - Warwickshire
Alcohol specific hospital admissions - Warwickshire
Alcohol deaths
Alcohol Specific Mortality - Warwickshire
Alcohol Attributable Mortality - Warwickshire
Under 18s admitted to hospital with alcohol specific conditions (Warks)
The alcohol stocktake tool Provides a structure for local areas to take a systematic view of their system for responding to alcohol-related harm in the adult population Explores integration of activity by all local partners across all levels of prevention Covers the interventions that evidence indicates are most effective In line with NICE guidance PH24, CG100 & CG115 Provides an opportunity to benchmark against evidence-based practice, facilitating the identification of effective practice, any gaps in provision and highlighting possible improvements 26