Molecular Dynamic analysis with Gromacs: Part of Indonesian Herbal Farmacological activities screening in Silico study On a Cluster computing environment. Screening aktifitas farmakologis beberapa bahan aktif tumbuhan obat Indonesia secara in silico menggunakan High Performance Computing berbasis Cluster system Joint research : Arry Yanuar, Dept of Pharmacy, and Heru Suhartanto, Ari Wibisono, Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia Supported by The Indonesian Ministry of Research and Technology Office, ,research grant
Gromacs GROMACS is a one of the best program to perform molecular dynamics for protein and bio-molecule simulation. GROMACS can be run with single processor or using multiple processor (parallel using standard MPI communication) Our Research is to study the performance (time) between, on the Cluster computing resources and on the GPU (Graphic Processor Unit)
The InGrid: Let’s see a 1 minute visit to the portal and the monitor
Hastinapura is the first Cluster computing resources, the Faculty of Computer Science Universitas Indonesia. This cluster can be used to run parallel and serial applications (gromacs). It consists of 16 dual-core machines that act as worker nodes.
Hardware Specification Head node Sun Fire X2100 Sun Fire X2100 AMD Opteron 2.2GHz (Dual Core) AMD Opteron 2 GB RAM Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 “Sarge” Worker nodes (16) Sun Fire X2100 Sun Fire X2100 AMD Opteron 2.2GHz (Dual Core) AMD Opteron 1 GB RAM Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 “Sarge” Storage node Dual Intel Xeon 2.8GHz (HT)Intel Xeon 2 GB RAM Debian GNU/Linux 4.0-testing “Etch” Harddisk 3x320 GB
GPU PC Hardware Specification Dual Core 3.2 GHz 4 GB RAM Ubuntu Bit Harddisk 80 Gb Gromacs OpenMM GeForce GTS 250 CUDA Cores128 Graphics Clock (MHz)738 MHz Processor Clock (MHz)1836 MHz Texture Fill Rate (billion/sec) 47.2 Memory Clock (MHz)1100 Standard Memory Config512MB or 1 GB GDDR3 Memory Interface Width256-bit Memory Bandwidth (GB/sec) 70.4 GPU Engine Specs: Memory Specs: Feature Support:
File Preparation
File Cyp34a pdb2gmx -f 1TQN.pdb -p -o 1TQN.gro editconf -f 1TQN.gro -o 1TQN.gro -d 1.0 genbox -cp 1TQN.gro -cs spc216.gro -p –o 1TQN-solvate.pdb grompp -np 16 -f md.mdp -c 1TQN.gro -p -o 1TQN-md.tpr Convert File Into.topology &.gro Periodic Boundary Condition Adding solvent into the molecule Energy Minimization 1TQN-md.tpr is ready to be executed with 16 processor
#!/bin/sh # CYP34A #$ -N gromacs #$ -cwd # Jumlah prosesor #$ -pe mpich 16 #$ -l arch=lx24-x86 #$ -o /export/home/nico/cyp3a4/stdout #$ -e /export/home/nico/cyp3a4/stderr #$ -i /export/home/nico/cyp3a4/stdin # # needs in # $NSLOTS # the number of tasks to be used # $TMPDIR/machines # a valid machine file to be passed to mpirun echo "Got $NSLOTS slots." /usr/bin/mpirun -np $NSLOTS -machinefile $TMPDIR/machines /export/home/nico/gromacs/bin/mdrun_mpi -s /export/home/nico/cyp3a4/1TQN-md.tpr -o /export/home/nico/cyp3a4/1TQN-md.trr -c /export/home/nico/cyp3a4/1TQN-after-md.gro -np 16 -v qsub
File Cyp34a (GPU) pdb2gmx -f 1TQN.pdb -p -o 1TQN.gro editconf -f 1TQN.gro -o 1TQN.gro -d 1.0 genbox -cp 1TQN.gro -cs spc216.gro -p –o 1TQN-solvate.pdb grompp -f md.mdp -c 1TQN.gro -p -o 1TQN-md.tpr Convert File Into.topology &.gro Periodic Boundary Condition Adding solvent into the molecule Energy Minimization mdrun-openmm -v -deffnm 1TQN-md Production Simulation
File Curcumin grompp -np 10 -f md.mdp -c lox_pr.gro -p -o topol.tpr topol.tpr is ready to be executed with 10 processor dt x nsteps = …pikosecond x = 200 pikosecond #!/bin/sh # Curcumin #$ -N gromacs #$ -cwd # Jumlah prosesor #$ -pe mpich 10 #$ -l arch=lx24-x86 #$ -o /export/home/ari/simulasi/curcumin10/stdout #$ -e /export/home/ari/simulasi/curcumin10/stderr #$ -i /export/home/ari/simulasi/curcumin10/stdin # # needs in # $NSLOTS # the number of tasks to be used # $TMPDIR/machines # a valid machine file to be passed to mpirun echo "Got $NSLOTS slots." /usr/bin/mpirun -np $NSLOTS -machinefile $TMPDIR/machines /export/home/nico/gromacs/bin/mdrun_mpi -s /export/home/ari/simulasi/curcumin12/topol.tpr -o /export/home/ari/simulasi/curcumin12/curcumin12.trr -c /export/home/ari/simulasi/curcumin12/lox_pr.gro -np 10 –v qsub
File Curcumin (GPU) grompp -f md.mdp -c lox_pr.gro -p -o curcumin.tpr dt x nsteps = …pikosecond x = 200 pikosecond mdrun-openmm -v -deffnm curcumin Production Simulation
Performance Result File : Curcumin Performance Time Timesteps 1 CPU24h:01M200 ps GPU17h:01M200 ps InGrid 1 CPU18h200 ps InGrid 2 CPU14h200 ps InGrid 4 CPU08h200 ps InGrid > 4 CPUProblems !!! File : CYP3A4Performance Time Timesteps 1 CPU22h :32 M200 ps GPU14h : 23M200 ps CYP3A4 Result on InGrid is almost the same with the above result
The next targets: Improve the performance Thank you !