U V H L N A B D C M Final destinations – mt haplogroups in at least 50% of population Boundaries of prevalent hgs Projected migration routes
L1 L1,L2,L3 H U N B M D DCDC A B A C G ED Y V P, q D R i w Final destinations of dominant (at least 50% of population) mt haplogroups with typical migration routes Boundaries of haplogroup presence shown by coloured lines
L1 L1,L2,L3 H U N B M D DCDC A B A C G ED Y V P,q D R i,w x x Final destinations of dominant (at least 50% of population) mt haplogroups with typical migration routes Boundaries of haplogroup presence shown by coloured lines
L1 N B A G E Y V i w x k B D C H U L3 L2 L1 P M q F t r j x Coloured boundaries indicating extent of distribution of dominant and prevalent mt haplogroups Projected region of M-N-R split
L1 N B A G E Y V k B D C H U L3 L2 L1 P M q F t r j x N R M i w Representation of final destination of M, N, and R haplogroup groups showing Asian west-east schism and suggested location of M-N-R split. R-derived hgs demonstrate bilateral migration whilst M hgs spread across east Asia only, and N derived Hgs are localised along the coast of China and SEAsia.
L1 L1,L2,L3 H U N B M D DCDC A B A C G ED Y V P, q D R R P H U BM C D G E QN R A Y Final destinations of dominant mt haplogroups with suggested location of M-N-R split
L1 B A G E Y V k B D C H U L3 L2 L1 P q F t j x N R M i w Overall boundaries between M, N, and R derived mt haplogroups with suggested location (1 of 4) of M-N-R split.
L1 B A G E Y V k B D C H U L3 L2 L1 P q F t j x N R M i w Overall boundaries between M, N, and R derived mt haplogroups with suggested location (2 of 4) of M-N-R split.
L1 B A G E Y V k B D C H U L3 L2 L1 P q F t j x N R M i w Overall boundaries between M, N, and R derived mt haplogroups with suggested location (3 of 4) of M-N-R split.
L1 B A G E Y V k B D C H U L3 L2 L1 P q F t j x N R M i w Overall boundaries between M, N, and R derived mt haplogroups with suggested location (4 of 4) of M-N-R split.
L1 B A G E Y V k B D C H U L3 L2 L1 P q F t j x N R M i w Overall boundaries between M, N, and R derived mt haplogroups with suggested location of M-N-R split.