Planners – rising to the challenge? Trudi Elliott CBE, Chief Executive Royal Town Planning Institute
Planning is a world class export We can give members information, advice and contacts on planning overseas: a good place to start is We have just started work on a guide to finding your way in overseas consultancy working with UKTI It will be a serious publication, but it may include a pithy warning from a member with many years of experience RTPI help for members working in development: beyond these shores
Rio 2016 Olympics
The population of the UK is projected to increase by 4.9 million over the next 10 years from 62.3 to 67.2 million at mid-2020, and increase by 10.9 million over the next 25 years. ONS predicts that 26% of the population will be over 65 in Will need 2 million new homes by 2016 – a further 1 million by 2020 OBS predicts even tighter squeeze on public services by 2016/17 4 different planning regimes operate in the UK Economic context – dramatic cuts in public expenditure and low growth Mirrored globally with population growth and economic and resource constraints Construction output in May % down on May 2011 UK Context
Planning & development delivers Olympics
Reform / Delivery : a trade off? Many deciders but one shared aim? It’s infrastructure, stupid Neighbourhood planning – a bold experiment Planning Reform in England
Planning Reform in Scotland Sustainable Economic Growth Plan-led System Development Delivery Performance and Resources Importance of Place
Planning Review in Wales New primary legislative powers Sustainable Development Strategic Planning Local Development Plans
Planning Reform in Northern Ireland Local Government Review Single Policy Supporting the economy
Planners of the future …. supporting graduates to achieve There are around 2000 graduates from planning schools each year About half of these become Licentiates Equal number of men and women Supported by mentors Work towards becoming a Chartered Town Planner
RTPI recognises excellence in its new members
Planning Advice Line: A single national telephone helpline providing 15 minutes of free advice to all callers Call: Or Eligible cases will receive further free, independent and impartial help from a volunteer caseworker Other help and guidance is on the PAE website: Planners as volunteers: Planning Aid