CourtesyConsiderationCooperationCommon Sense RESPECT FOR YOURSELF RESPECT FOR OTHER PEOPLE RESPECT FOR THE SCHOOL & COMMUNITY Being active in your own learning, making good contributions and showing independence. Being a good role model to others. Excellent contributions to learning, respect shown for others. Achievements that benefit the school community. Outstanding actions that promote the ethos of the school. Not being ready to learn. Not following basic expectations. Actions that affect the learning of others. Persistent disruptive behaviour. Anti social behaviours that affect the school/wider community. Actions against the ethos of the school. Praise Warning Reward points Postcards Phone call Certificates Awards Moved seat or room Teacher Detention Curriculum Detention Stage 1Stage 2 Stage 3 Transfer or PEX
Respect for yourself Respect for other people Respect for the school and community
Respect for yourself Make your best effort in lessons Be on time to lessons Wear correct school uniform Keep yourself safe Attend all lessons Please note green colour coding on Sanction Level diagrams to indicate misdemeanours relating to Respecting Yourself
Respect for other people Consider the learning experience of others Be on time to lessons Submit work on time Behave in an appropriate way towards others Allow others to feel safe Use polite words when talking to others Use appropriate language Please note blue colour coding on Sanction Level diagrams to indicate misdemeanours relating to Respect for Other People
Respect for the school and community Care for school property Care for the school building and surrounding site Keep the school free of litter and gum Use ICT appropriately for school business Please note purple colour coding on Sanction Level diagrams to indicate misdemeanours relating to Respect for the school environment
Sanctions – Level 1 All sanctions to be carried out within each department /subject area Nature of IncidentSanctions Available Minor disruption of lessons Lack of effort in lessons Inappropriate use of mobile technology Failure to show due consideration to others Failure to cooperate / work with others One off failure to meet staff requests Lack of care towards others Lack of care towards school property Lateness to lessons Not equipped for lessons Incorrect school uniform Failure to submit work Eating or chewing in lessons Verbal reprimand Moving student within the class Short detention (break time) Time with another member of staff within the department Class teacher Year co-ordinators to contact home for non subject related issues. People responsible for applying sanction
Sanctions – Level 2 All sanctions to be carried out within the JA: DEAN and/or DIRECTOR will inform subject/curriculum leader Nature of Incident Sanctions Available People responsible for applying sanction Failure to respond to level 1 sanctions Persistent level 1 incidents Rudeness to other members of the School – staff or students Unsafe behaviour Damage to property belonging to others or the school Inappropriate use of ICT Significant disruption to the education of others Behaving in an inappropriate / intimidating way towards others Inappropriate use of mobile technology Withdrawal of a privilege Departmental Lunchtime detention Subject target card issued Tutor and year coordinator informed of the incident DEAN and/or DIRECTOR informed of the incident Parents informed of the incident Record on SIMS Class Teacher Curriculum Director Year co- ordinator/DEAN
Sanctions – Level 3 Dean/Director of Academy to liaise with SD Nature of IncidentSanctions Available Failure to respond to level 2 sanctions Persistent level 2 incidents Isolated incident of severe rudeness to another member of the School Physical abuse of or intimidating another student Endangering self or others Wilful and intentional damage to property belonging to others or to the School Serious abuse of ICT facilities Serious disruption to the education of others Smoking Missing all or a significant part of a lesson Dean/ Director of Academy Target card to be issued by Dean/ Director of Academy Target Card – monitored by Dean/Director of Academy People responsible for applying sanction Dean/ Director of Academy take over dealing with the incident Subject Director informed of the incident After School detention Target card issued Parents informed of the incident Interview with student and parents Withdrawal from lesson for an agreed period of time Behaviour contract Internal isolation Log on SIMS as SIR
Nature of IncidentSanctions Available Failure to respond to level 3 sanctions Persistent level 3 incidents Swearing at or verbally abusing another member of the school Fighting / persistent bullying of another student Seriously endangering self or others Theft from others or from the School Drug or solvent abuse or distribution to others Significant absence from lessons / truanting Bringing / using weapons to school Bringing the school into disrepute LG detention Withdrawal from lesson for a period of time Interview with student and parents Behaviour contract Internal isolation External exclusion Permanent Exclusion from School Dean/Director of Academy Associate Headteacher People responsible for applying sanction Sanctions – Level 4 Dean/Director of Academy to inform SD and Associate Headteacher