1 Consumers use multiple sources for shopping research 70% FEEL THAT IN- PERSON RESEARCH IS IMPORTANT Q7. How important is online research to your purchasing decision? Base: (n =505) Q8. How important is in-person research to your purchasing decision? Base: (n =505) 76% FEEL THAT ONLINE RESEARCH IS IMPORTANT
2 Online reviews and In-person preview important to purchase decision 52% trust online reviews and forums information Despite growing patterns in online shopping… 89% prefer to preview products in-person Consumers were divided on whether the salesperson has the most knowledge Q10. Please rate your level of agreement with each of these statements. Base: (n = 505)
3 Extensive research conducted for large-ticket items 2% 6% 36% 45% 60% Q9. When considering the following types of purchases, please indicate the level of online research you undertake prior to making the purchase. Base: (n = 505) Little to no research Extensive research % of people that conduct extensive