Brian A. Smith Ph.D., P.G. Brian B. Hunt, P.G. Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District Kent Butler Summit April 25, 2014 Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
Texas’ Water Problems
District Management Zones Western Edwards Eastern Edwards Eastern Edwards Saline Edwards Saline Edwards Trinity Outcrop Trinity Outcrop Buda Austin Kyle WFC
District Regulatory Setting Buda Austin Kyle WFC No new historical Edwards permits- only conditional Edwards permits
District Regulatory Setting Buda Austin Kyle WFC Historical permits for Trinity Aquifers
District Regulatory Setting Buda Austin Kyle WFC Saline Edwards Aquifer can be used for extraction with limits
District Regulatory Setting Buda Austin Kyle WFC Aquifer Storage and Recovery allowed for saline Edwards and Trinity Aquifers
Main Street, Buda, Texas
Kyle Austin
Q Q Q Kyle Austin
Q Q Q G G Kyle Austin
Q Q Q G G L Kyle Austin
Kyle Austin
Kyle Austin
Kyle Austin
Saline Zone of the Edwards Aquifer Fresh-brackish boundary is relatively stable (Lambert et al., 2010) Desalination- yields likely to be high (Pabalan et al., 2003). Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) generally is effective in brackish aquifers Smith et al., in review
Acknowledgments 1880s 1980s R.T. Hill ChockRaymondKent