PRONUNCIACIÓN Y ACENTUACIÓN (WORD STRESS AND THE WRITTEN ACCENT) Words ending in a vowel, n, or s: Words which end in a vowel, n, or s are stressed on the next to the last syllable: cosa plumas nombre señores estado hablan trabajan comen recuerdos hormiga guerra
WORDS ENDING IN ANY OTHER CONSONANT : Words which end in a consonant, except n or s, are stressed on the last syllable. actriz animal popular mujer borrador papel actor pared
DIFFERENTIATING BETWEEN TWO WORDS A written accent is also used to differentiate between two words which have the same spelling but different meanings: el él si sí esta ésta que qué mi mí mas más tu tú como cómo
DIPTHONGS: In Spanish, all vowels are either weak or strong. A, E, and O are strong vowels. U and I are weak vowels. When two strong vowels appear together, two separate syllables are formed. leer ==> le-er Mateo ==> Ma-te-o teatro ==> te-a-tro
When two weak vowels or one weak vowel and one strong vowel appear together, a diphthong is produced. A diphthong is when one syllable contains two vowels, both of which are heard. Some examples of common words with diphthongs are: estudiante ==> es-tu-dian-te buenos ==> bue-nos viernes ==> vier-nes Colombia ==> Co-lom-bia ciudad ==> ciu-dad
When two weak vowels appear together in a diphthong, the second vowel takes the stress. Therefore, if a syllable with a weak/weak diphthong needs a written accent mark (according to the accent rules), the accent mark should go over the second vowel. For example: cuídate ==> cuí-da-te
When a weak vowel and a strong vowel appear together in a diphthong, the strong vowel takes the stress of the syllable. Therefore, if a syllable with a weak/strong diphthong needs a written accent mark (according to the accent rules), the accent mark should go over the strong vowel. For example: adiós ==> a-diós después ==> des-pués también ==> tam-bién periódico ==> per-rió-di-co
To break a weak/strong diphthong and make two distinct syllables, a written accent is needed over the weak vowel. Compare the following: Ma-rí-a vs. far-ma-cia rí-o vs. Ma-rio in-cre-í-ble vs. seis
ALL OTHER WORDS: All words which do not conform to the above rules must have a written accent (acento) on the syllable which is stressed: sinónimo lápiz bolígrafo fácil inglés político allí llámame háblame tradición naríz