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INTRODUCTION OF ENGLISH LESSON SEM. II 1. Narrative 2. Exposition (Hortatory) 3. Spoof 4. Transactional 5. Functional / Grammar Points
NARRATIVE Social Function To amuse, entertain and to deal with actual or vicarious experience in different ways; narrative deals with problematic events which lead to a crisis or turning point of some kind, which in turn finds a resolution Generic Structure Orientation; sets the scene and introduces the participants Evaluation; a stepping back to evaluate the plight Complication; a crisis arises Resolution; the crisis is resolved, for better or for worse Re-orientation; optional
Exposition (Hortatory) Social Function To persuade the reader or listener that something should or should not be in the case Generic Structure Thesis; announcement of issue concern Arguments; reasons for concern, leading to recommendation Recommendation; statement of what ought not to happen
SPOOF Social Function To retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining Generic Structure Orientation; provides the setting and introduces participant Events; tell what happened, in what sequences Twist; unexpected closure – ridiculous event
Grammar Point 1. Past tense 2. Subjunctive 3. Direct and Indirect 4. Passive voice 5. adverbial clause 1. Causative verb 2. Adjective clause 3. conditional sentence 4. Noun clause 5. gerund and infinitive
TRANSACTIONAL Expressing meaning nuance within transactional dialogue that contains some expressions or utterances. 1. Agreement/disagreement 2. Feeling of love 3. Feeling of sadness 4. Feeling of embarrassed, 5. Feeling of anger 6. Feeling of annoyance
ASSIGNMENT 1. Adverbial clause (until, by the time, as and as soon as) 2. Narrative (listening activity) 2X 3. Expressing feeling of love 4. Expressing sadness 5. Direct-Indirect speech 6. Narrative (reading Activity) 2X 7. Passive voice 8. Hortatory (listening activity) 9. Agreeing and disagreeing expression (listening activity) 10. Expressing annoying
ASSIGNMENT 11. Cause and effect Relationships (therefore, consequently etc.) 12. Hortatory (reading activity) 13. Causative verb 14.Spoof (funny story) (listening activity) 15. Expressing Anger 16. Expressing Embarrassment 17. Adjective clause 18. Spoof (funny story) reading activity 19. conditional sentence 20. Noun clause 21. gerund and infinitive
How to carry out English presentation? 1. Opening by Greeting Audiences 2. Introducing the topic 3. Explaining The English Material by power point media 4. Interactive Activity such as make a game or question and answer 5. Giving Intermezzo 6. Conclusion 7. Closing
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Remember!!! The presentation will be start on 2 nd week of February 2009
Nice to see you again… “LET’S HAVE FUN WITH ENGLISH…!” Presented by ZIDNI RACHMAWATI, S.Pd