MEASURING ECONOMIC SECURITY IN CONNECTICUT Matt Unrath National Program Director Wider Opportunities for Women
WOW’s Measures Economic Security Database Concept of Economic Security Application to Financial Education 1
Self Sufficiency Standard Family Economic Self Sufficiency Project Elder Economic Security Standard™ Index Elder Economic Security Initiative
The Elder Economic Security Standard Index for the United States, 2011 Expenses for Selected Household Types Elder Person (age 65+) Elder Couple (both age 65+) Expenses/Monthly and Yearly Totals Owner w/o Mortgage Renter, One Bedroom Owner w/ Mortgage Owner w/o Mortgage Renter, One Bedroom Owner w/ Mortgage Housing (inc. utilities, taxes & insurance) $457$769$1,270$457$769$1,270 Food$243 $446 Transportation$246 $380 Health Care (Good Health)$381 $762 Miscellaneous$265 $409 Elder Index Per Month$1,592$1,904$2,405$2,454$2,766$3,267 Elder Index Per Year$19,104$22,848$28,860$29,448$33,192$39,204 3
Self Sufficiency Standard Family Economic Self Sufficiency Project Elder Economic Security Standard™ Index Elder Economic Security Initiative Basic Economic Security Tables™ Index BEST Initiative
5 Budget standard (expenses + savings = income) Not a middle class budget
6 Budget standard (expenses + savings = income) Not a middle class budget Calculated at city, county, statewide and national level
7 Budget standard (expenses + savings = income) Not a middle class budget Calculated at city, county, statewide and national level Addresses large variety of family types 420 family types One- and two-worker households, with children of different ages (infant, preschooler, schoolchild, teenager)
8 Budget standard (expenses + savings = income) Not a middle class budget Calculated at city, county, statewide and national level Addresses large variety of family types 420 family types One- and two-worker households, with children of different ages (infant, preschooler, schoolchild, teenager) Cost of expenses with and without employment-based benefits Health care Retirement Emergency savings
9 Budget standard (expenses + savings = income) Not a middle class budget Calculated at city, county, statewide and national level Addresses large variety of family types 420 family types One- and two-worker households, with children of different ages (infant, preschooler, schoolchild, teenager) Cost of expenses with and without employment-based benefits Health care Retirement Emergency savings Measure of LIFELONG economic security
12 Single Worker Housing and Utilities – 33% Transportation – 17% Savings – 7% One Parent w/ Two Children Child Care – 22% Housing and Utilities - 21% Transportation – 10% Savings – 5%
14 BEST wages are: 3x higher than the FPL 2x higher the minimum wage Significantly higher than the median income for single parents Close to the national median income for 2 worker households
15 A LL J OBS Only 31% of jobs expected to be created by 2018 will provide economic security to a single parent raising two children Only 60% of all jobs expected to be created by 2018 will provide economic security to a family of four with two workers. D ON ’ T R EQUIRE F OUR -Y EAR D EGREE Just 13% of jobs that do not require a 4 year degree projected to be created by 2018 will provide economic security to a single parent raising two children. Just over half of these jobs will provide economic security to single worker
18 45% of all Americans 43% of all households 62% of all black households 66% of all Hispanic households 55% of all children 77% of African American and Hispanic children 82% of households headed by single mothers 88% of households headed by single black mothers 91% of households headed by single Hispanic mothers
Policy Advocacy Media and Communications Demonstrating Need Accurate Data Economic Development Benchmarking Program Successes and Progress Career Planning Program Eligibility 21 Financial Education Budgeting Asset Building Debt Goal of Economic Security Case Management Career Planning Tracking Client Progress Connection to Benefits
Economic Security Database WOW Website for more information and state and national reports Matt Unrath National Program Director (202)