His name is in yellow which is really emphasized by the black background to make us focus on the artists name more so than any thing else on the CD cover. This is smaller than his name which could symbolize that he wants people to buy the album because of the artist not because of the album name. In all these pictures we can clearly see that John Mayer is performing live. Each picture has an element of darkness but then there is a different colour added to each picture. This could show that the show isn't just darkness, there is an element of fun in his shows. The background picture is of a big crowd, obviously cheering for John Mayer. This could link with the little pictures above; he is performing live to an audience and this could be the crowd he is performing to in the pictures.
This is the production notes. There is just one line which means that John Mayer didn’t want the CD cover covered with production details, maybe he put them inside the cover instead. Barcode Continuity as this is the same titles as the titles on the front, just a bit smaller to emphasis the song list a little bit more. My suggestion from the front of the CD cover, that he is performing to the crowd, is the case as we see him on stage in front of a big crowd. a The spine shows the artist name and the album name clearly on the spine. The same colour and font is used as on the front and back of the CD cover. The colours of the list of songs are the same colours used for the main titles to connect them. The overall colours of the titles and fonts of the CD covers all mirror the colours used in the photograph backgrounds.
There is no album title which lets us focus on the picture. We can see that he is walking and from the background we can see a long stretch of road/pavement which could actually tie in with the album name ‘Continuum’ which means ‘a continuous extent’ e.g. walking. We can see that he is under a big bridge but he looks to be the same size as the bridge which could symbolize that he is just as strong as the bridge. a The effect used on this CD cover is sepia which could reflect the simplicity of the photo on the whole as it is quite a simple cover and his facial expression as well as what he is wearing is very simple also.
There are only two main elements to the inside of this CD case and that is the writing in the top right hand corner which reads ‘this is what my heart looks like’ and the background photograph of a music studio. These two link together and creates the message that John Mayer’s music is his love and heart. Again the colours are very simple with the sepia effect used again, which symbolizes the same thing that it did on the front; simplicity. This could also reflect that the link between the two main elements in this picture is simple; that music is his heart, what keeps him alive.
Again very simple colours. List of songs is centered and is the main focus because of this and also because there isn't any photos or pictures distracting you from it. The colours here on the spine are matched to the rest of the CD cover and simply state the album name and the artist. Production details again show that there isn't many people who John Mayer feel need to be named. He doesn’t feel that these are important and doesn’t want anything distracting from the songs.