Surrealism: Creating digital images using juxtaposition “Surrealism is destructive, but it destroys only what it considers to be shackles limiting our vision.“ - Salvador Dali
Juxtaposition (say it with me!) jux·ta·po·si·tion - [juhk-stuh-puh- zish-uh n] (noun) - an act or instance of placing close together or side by side, esp. for comparison or contrast. In terms of Surrealism, juxtaposition is used to combine or place objects side by side that do not go together
Joan Miro
Giorgio de Chirico
Max Ernst
Man Ray
Rene Magritte
And now for some digital images:
Student Examples
INSTRUCTIONS… Fill out the planning sheet. This will require you to research a Surrealistic artwork and artist and write about them. Start thinking about what you could include in your surreal artwork. ~ Brainstorm three ideas and do a thumbnail sketch for each on the planning sheet. You will turn this in with your project on the due date. Choose the best idea and begin working. ~ Take some pictures, gather some magazine/newspaper clippings, or do some drawings that you could use in your artwork. Your work will be much more original and interesting if you do this.
REQUIREMENTS… 75% ORIGINAL images! At least 4 layers – think complexity! Work should be based on a dream or part of a dream Work should reflect aspects of the Surrealism style Size should be 8 x 10 (vertical) or 10 x 8 (horizontal) Resolution should be 300.