BIBLE 9: KTB101 CH 9 The Book of Acts: The Church is Born
ACTS 2:42 They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.
ACTS 2:42 They _______ themselves to the apostles’ _______ and to ________, to the _______ of bread and to ______.
THE ROCKET SHIP CALLED THE CHURCH The church of Jesus Christ, which was born after Jesus ascended into heaven, is like a rocket ship on an amazing journey. You are one of its many astronauts on a mission. Don’t just read the Book of Acts as a history book. Read and study it as a manual for your Christian life.
FIRST, A LITTLE HISTORY & HOW’D IT HAPPEN? Acts was written by Luke the physician, the only non-Jewish writer in the New Testament. Acts is really a sequel to the Gospel of Luke. Acts gives the context for every N.T. letter except 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus. How did it all happen? The mission, means, message, and method designed by God Himself.
THE MISSION: GO INTO ALL THE WORLD The book of Acts starts with the Great Commission. Jesus’ mission: tell the world about me. The disciples watched as Jesus “was taken up into the sky” long enough for angels to tell them “So what are you waiting for?”
WHEN WERE CHRISTIANS FIRST CALLED CHRISTIANS? Christian is the common designation of anyone who believes in salvation through Jesus Christ. It only appears 3 times in the Bible. Acts 11:26 – “It was there at Antioch that the believers were first called Christians.” Since it has lost some meaning in today’s culture we use the term Christ Follower.
REFLECTIVE WRITING #11 - P254 [REVISED #2] List some ways you can “go into all the world” without ever leaving your hometown. Is anything preventing you from doing these things right now? Due Tuesday
BIBLE 9: KTB101 CH 9 The Book of Acts: The Church is Born
ACTS 2:42 They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.
ACTS 2:42 They _______ themselves to the apostles’ _______ and to ________, to the _______ of bread and to ______.
THE MEANS: BY THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT Jesus left the means to carry out the mission. The fuel to burn in the rocket ship is the Holy Spirit. Seven weeks after Jesus returned to heaven, the Holy Spirit came upon the believers on a day known as “the day of Pentecost.”
THE HOLY SPIRIT IN THE LIFE OF THE BELIEVER God the Holy Spirit is the third Person in the Trinity, which also includes God the Father and God the Son. God is not just near us; he is inside us – forever. Wherever and whenever God has acted, the Holy Spirit has been present. eg– Creation, writing God’s Word, Jesus’ Birth etc.
THE HOLY SPIRIT IN THE LIFE OF THE BELIEVER, CONT. The Holy Spirit gave the Apostles and Christians: Power – to perform miracles, cast out demons, and speak in other languages. Understanding – of Jesus’ teachings and the Bible. Comfort – the Holy Spirit is also known as “the Comforter” bringing divine encouragement. Guidance – to guide and direct believers. Inspiration – breathed into writers of the Bible.
BIBLE 9: KTB101 CH 9 The Book of Acts: The Church is Born
ACTS 2:42 They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.
ACTS 2:42 They _______ themselves to the apostles’ _______ and to ________, to the _______ of bread and to ______.
THE MESSAGE: ANYONE WHO CALLS ON THE NAME OF THE LORD WILL BE SAVED. Peter was an unlikely candidate to lead, but he preached a powerful message on Pentecost. Acts 2:21 – “Anyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Peter became the first leader of the new church and its most powerful preacher. When you get an opportunity, be ready to explain what your faith in Jesus is all about from a perspective that is both personal and historical.
DON’T SAY YOU’RE SORRY Apologetics Not the same as “excusing yourself.” An apologist is someone who knows how to answer questions about the Christian faith. Theology The study of God. A theologian is one who has thoroughly studied Bible doctrines, which are the beliefs and principles presented in the Bible.
THE METHOD: THE CHURCH Peter invited the people listening to receive Jesus into their lives. The Bible says that “about three thousand in all” were added to the church because they “believed what Peter said.” God was initiating his method – the vehicle to carry the message to the ends of the earth was – and still is – The Church.
DISCUSSION Read Acts 2: How do our modern churches differ from the early Church? What do we have in common?
THE CHURCH IS A BODY The church is not a place. The true church is made up of believers who share the common experience of receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit. When you become part of a local church, God uses you and your unique and special gifts to help spread his message.
THE WORLD’S GREATEST MISSIONARY [PAUL] Saul hated the Christians and their message. Jewish leaders trumped up charges against Stephen and sentence him to death. Saul was a witness at Stephen’s execution. Stephen became the church’s first martyr, which is a name given to anyone put to death for professing his or her faith. (discuss other ways the term “martyr” is used for clarification)
THE LEAST LIKELY CANDIDATE [PAUL] Saul’s conversion experience is on the road to Damascus (where he was going to persecute more Christians). Saul was knocked to the ground and Jesus called out from Heaven, “Saul! Saul! Why are you persecuting me!” In an instant Saul was transformed from the greatest persecutor of Jesus and his followers into Paul, the greatest advocate the church would ever have.
COMPARE/CONTRAST Compare and contrast Peter & Paul Occupation: Luke 5:1-11, Acts 18:3. “Religious” training: Acts 4:13, Mark 1:16-17, Acts 22:3, Acts 23:5-6. Healings: Acts 3:1-10, Acts 5:15, Acts 14:8-10, Acts 19:12. Legal history: Acts 4:3, 5:18, 12:3, 16:23-24, &21: Who they preached to: Acts 4:5-12, Acts 5:29-32, Acts 22:30-23:6 & Acts 26:1-29 Views on Gentiles: Acts 15:1-12 Mission Field: Page 245 in KtB101 Published Works: See Bible Index
TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH [PAUL] Paul personally established dozens of churches. Missionary Journey #1 – Asia Minor – 45AD Paul teamed up with a man named Barnabas Missionary Journey #2 – Europe – 50AD Paul built a new team that included Silas, Luke (the biographer), and Timothy. Missionary Journey #3 – Turkey Paul was arrested in Ephesus and eventually sent to Rome
THE LEGACY OF ACTS Justin Martyr – the earliest Christian apologist. Irenaeus - refuted Gnosticism and explained doctrines. Origen – defended the Christian faith against heretics. Jerome – translated the Bible into Latin. Augustine of Hippo – the greatest thinker between the early church and the Reformation.
DISCUSSION Read “How they died” on p 251. Suffering was a common factor in Christian life and in the membership of the early Church. Why was suffering so common back then? Why is it not as common today? Is this a good thing or a bad thing?