The 4 th Statewide Institute on Transition: Preparing Students and Systems for Multiple Pathways to Graduation 3/27/14 The Intersection of CareerZone, the Career Plan and the CDOS Commencement Credential
Today We will… Revisit CDOS Standards & the NYSED Career Plan Review elements of CareerZone that connect to the SED Career Plan & support the CDOS Commencement Credential Share information on the National Work Readiness Credential Explore CareerZone resources for classroom implementation
Everything Old is New Again
The Career Plan: A Roadmap to Post HS Readiness “an important mechanism to add relevance and meaning to learning experiences across subject areas. The career development model used to create the Career Plan aligns with the CDOS standards.”
Students With a Career Plan Have an Advantage Over Those Who Do Not More certain of career direction More confident in their ability to secure meaningful employment More likely to have jobs related to their current educational program
Career Plan Format Options NYSED has an existing Career Plan that can be used to meet this requirement
Research Shows: Good Plans Begin With Good Decisions NYSDOL can help you support your students with career planning though CareerZone
Intermediate Commencement
CDOS vs CDOS? CDOS Commencement Credential New: Implemented 2013 School Year Designed to replace the IEP Diploma Includes the CDOS Learning Standards, among other requirements New: Implemented 2013 School Year Designed to replace the IEP Diploma Includes the CDOS Learning Standards, among other requirements CDOS Learning Standards Represents 3 of the 28 NYS Learning Standards (Pre- Common Core)
CDOS Learning Standards Standard 1: Career Development Students will be knowledgeable about the world of work, explore career options, and relate personal skills, aptitudes, and abilities to future career decisions Standard 2: Integrated Learning Students will demonstrate how academic knowledge and skills are applied in the workplace and other settings. Standard 3: Universal Foundation Skills Students will demonstrate mastery of the foundation skills and competencies essential for success in the workplace.
CDOS Standards CareerZo ne
View information on over 800 occupations Create career plan to document skills and complete activities to help connect school and work Assessment tools support self knowledge
CareerZone tracks these foundation skills
How Are We Doing So Far?
CDOS Commencement Credential Option 1: o Develop a Career Plan o Engage in CTE Coursework o Demonstrate Achievement of CDOS Standards o Have at least one completed Employability Profile Option 2: o Work Readiness Credentials
CareerZone and Work Based Learning
CareerZone Job Links
Documentation process begins in high school (Grade 9) Planning can begin prior to high school. Doing so will populate CareerZone’s Middle School Career Plan CDOS Commencement Credential
(1 of 4 credentials recognized by NYSED for Option 2) Credential developed in response to employers stating they needed employees equipped with entry-level skills National Work Readiness Credential
All the Credentials National Work Readiness Credential (NWRC) SkillsUSA Work Force Ready Employability Assessment National Career Readiness Certificate WorkKeys - (ACT) Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment Systems Workforce Skills Certification System
NWRC Players NYS Department of Labor –encouraging local areas to take advantage of the test based on employer feedback and benefit to customers National Work Readiness Council – 501(c)(3) charged with the day-to-day operations and development of the NWRC CASTLE Worldwide – NWRC exam item developers and maintenance of online, test delivery system Steck Vaughn – Curriculum development, test center certification, voucher sales, and marketing
NWRC Elements 4 tests 1. Workplace Math 2. Workplace Reading 3. Active Listening 4. Situational Judgment MeasureMeasure 8 Skills 1. Cooperate with others 2. Conflict resolution and negotiation 3. Observe critically 4. Problem solving and decision making 5. Listen actively 6. Read with understanding 7. Use math to solve problems 8. Take responsibility for learning
NWRC Process - Preparation Students prepare for exam using Steck Vaughn’s Work Skills curriculum or curriculum that aligns to the 8 skills the NWRC measures Students can practice NWRC test questions on the NWRC website or through Steck Vaughn
NWRC Process - Testing Once you feel a student is prepared for the NWRC, you will then sign them up to take the exam Your school can become a NWRC test site or you can call an existing NWRC test site to schedule student to test
NWRC Process - Testing The NWRC exam has certain time limits as to when students can test and re-test (see below) Average test time: 2 to 2 ½ hours Allotted time: 3 hours 15 minutes All 4 tests must be completed within 30 days from the date they take the first test
If a student fails a test – they must wait 25 days to retake (remediation) Student must pass all 4 tests within 1 year of the date they took the first test NWRC Process – Re-testing
NWRC Process – Costs Work Skills Curriculum Reading Book: $15.95 Math Book: $15.95 Situational Judgment and Active Listening Book: $15.95 One-Time Test Site Fee: $300
NWRC Process – Costs Test Vouchers (expire 1 year after purchase) Voucher for the 4 initial test battery=$74.95 Voucher for the INDIVIDUAL re-tests (if customer fails the first time taking the exam) Workplace Math: $18 Workplace Reading: $18 Situational Judgment: $18 Active Listening: $18
CDOS Learning Standards The Career Plan CareerZone IT’S ALL CONNECTED NWRC CDOS Commencement Credential
How it All Fits Together Career Plan CareerZone CDOS Learning Standards CDOS Commencement Credential
CareerZone Lesson Plan Database
Browse New Lesson Plans By… Grade Level Subject Topic Differentiated Instruction Each lesson plan suggests an appropriate range of grade levels based on its content. After selecting an appropriate grade level, please take into consideration the intended grade level range of each lesson plan. Nearly all lessons integrate several subjects into one lesson. This allows you to teach one in-depth lesson across a broad range of different subjects, or to focus in on a subject that integrates several others. Looking for a specific topic to teach? From career development topics to topics in social studies, find the lesson you are looking for to fit the content you want to teach. Find lessons that fit the needs of your classroom and your instructional methods.
CareerZone Instructional Videos 1. Overview of the NYS CareerZone System 2. The CareerZone Portfolio Overview 3.CDOS Commencement Credential & CareerZone 4. Uncovering Possibilities with Career Assessments 5. Dig Deeper with the Occupation Profiles 6. Creating Dollars and $ense with Financial Literacy 7. Tools to Help You on Your Job Search
A Few Things to Consider
Take Time to Master CareerZone
Implementation Looks Different Across the State And even across a district or school building
We’re Here If You Need Us
Additional Resources CDOS Commencement Credential Info and Webinars: NWRC Information: Career Plan Information: CDOS Resource Guide: CareerZone Assistance:
Questions? Vicki Gray Career Development & Youth Initiatives Office Division of Employment and Workforce Solutions