CM with CM
I. Purpose II. Introductions III. Inside your “house” V. If you must send your child outside… VI. Reasons VII. Positive Reinforcements VIII. 20 Questions
The purpose of this session is to review pertinent classroom management information and to discuss the School-wide discipline policy.
You Dr. Elward Principal Ms. McCullough Assistant Principal Andrew Crowe Director of Instruction Lucy Contreras Counselor Kristen Rivas College Counselor Erin Stryffeler WBL Coordinator
Uniforms Loaners are available Uniform compliance issues will be handled by office staff Headgear and general dress code MORNING TARDIES The attendance clerk monitors and tracks all morning tardies. days tardy = Automated Wake-up Call Home 3 days tardy = Parent Conference days tardy = Parent Conference & Time Management Plan 6 days tardy = Probation Contract & Saturday School 7 or more days tardy = Saturday School & Parent Shadow Day BETWEEN CLASS TARDIES All teachers monitor and record when students are tardy after nutrition, lunch, and between classes. 1st & 2nd classroom tardy= Warning 3rd classroom tardy = Trash Cleanup 4th classroom tardy = Parent Call Home 5th & 6th classroom tardy = Parent Shadow and Contract
Expectations Standard House Rules Clear explanation and expectations given to students Clear protocol for broken house rules Next Week Please teach, reteach, and then teach some more YOUR CLASSROOM POLICIES AND PROCEDURES
Students are not to be outside without a pass. Students sent to the office for disciplinary infractions should come with a referral. A Note About Referrals The referral form is being revised. It will be a triplicate form The white copy will be returned to you with information about outcomes and actions taken by support staff.
WHAT do you refer Major Fights Theft, robbery, or extortion Possession of a firearm, explosive, or other weapons Possession of nicotine products, drugs, or alcohol Damage to school property (Tagging) Obscene Acts Habitual profanity Major disruption and/or persistent defiance
After you have exhausted all options unless… It is an extreme offense. Which means please don’t refer for: Excessive talking Getting out of seat Throwing objects (unless it is repeated or causes injury) Lack of Materials Eating Drinking Talking smack Being a smart a… (we mean) mouth
ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL/PRINCIPALCOUNSELORS All discipline issues Items from previous list, but in case you forgot Major Fights Theft, robbery, or extortion Possession of a firearm, explosive, or other weapons Possession of nicotine products, drugs, or alcohol Damage to school property (Tagging) Obscene Acts Habitual profanity Major disruption and/or persistent defiance Sexual Harassment (physical and verbal)* Low Academic Achievement Counseling for emotional and social issues
Items that should be included: Previous remedial measures Explicit description of what was done/said. Please refrain from writing the following: Defiance! Out of control! Fighting (what does that mean-details please) Student needs an IEP Will not comply Student can not come back until I see their parents Profanity (toward whom? What was said?)* *Remember the Golden Rule
Warning/Phone Call Home Classroom suspension/phone call home/parent conference with teacher Detention/phone call home (nutrition, after school, Saturday) In-house suspension/Parent Conference At home suspension/Parent Conference *At the discretion of the administrator
Johnny Mathis is consistently late to 5 th period during the first two weeks of school. What strategy can you use as a classroom teacher to ensure that Johnny does not get to his 5 th tardy?
Sir Nicholas Smith spends a great deal of time in your class talking. Sometimes he’s talking about the lesson, but more often than not he’s chatting with his neighbor. Repeated warnings haven’t helped so you have begun moving down your classroom discipline plan. What steps come after warning and before a referral to the office?
Alberto has a habit of “accidentally” using profanity. Today you were in the middle of your lesson and his pencil broke. “Shit”, he says, followed by, “Sorry Ms. (Mr.).” What is your response? What if the scenario were different and Alberto called you a bitch under his breath after you chastised him for not having his materials?
Sarah is obviously having a rough start to her morning. She is sitting sullen in her seat and barely participating in the lesson. David accidentally bumps her on the way to his seat. She jumps up, yells at him, and appears ready to fight. You know that David doesn’t hit girls but has no problem pushing one out of the way if his space is invaded. How do you deescalate the situation?
Student Disciplinary Training Monday, August 22 nd – 9 th grade P.E. classes Tuesday, August 23 rd -10 th grade History classes Thursday, August 25 th -11 th grade History classes Lockdown Code