Lesson 2 - Lesson objective To understand how care services are designed to meet the health, developmental and social care needs of major client groups. Success criteria Build – to discuss and identify the health needs of infant, children, adults, older adults and people with disabilities. Apply – you have drawn up a lifeline for the different life stages and have identified the services which could be used Secure - AfL you have completed and understood the service providers of different groups, you have labelled your mind map with high quality, concise and useful information to help you proceed to the next stage of your coursework data.
Who uses these services? People who work in care consider clients as ‘whole people’ They try to work out the client individual needs. This is called an holistic approach. Our individual needs include: 1. Physical needs 2. Intellectual needs 3. Emotional needs 4. Social needs Lesson objective - To understand how care services are designed to meet the health, developmental and social care needs of major client groups. PIES
Task 1 – using a range of information and literature, you will now be divided into groups, each group will be given a life stage. Working in your groups of different life stages, you need to identify: 1. The life stage 2. Where are the boundaries for each life stage 3. Draw a life line and mark on the different life stages and identify which services could be used for your needs Lesson objective - To understand how care services are designed to meet the health, developmental and social care needs of major client groups.
Task 2 using the information data base, AfL Now assess the basic needs for all human beings Now draw a location/mind map to show which individuals use the services and identify two needs that the service meets. Lesson objective - To understand how care services are designed to meet the health, developmental and social care needs of major client groups.
Example of a mind map for people with addiction
AfL - Have you? Secure - completed and understood the service providers of different groups, and have labelled your mind map with high quality, concise and useful information to help you proceed to the next stage of your coursework theory understanding. Discuss as a class group!