INTRODUCTION Module: Research Project Module Code: MRP 1014 Credit Value: 4.00 PREREQUISITE Business Programme: Complete all core modules from Semester 1 – Semester 4
This module is a major core module Students MUST pass this module Upon completion of the module, student will be able to: 1.Demonstrate the abilities to plan and to work effectively 2.Analyze the findings and results of the project 3.Prepare the presentation and final report CONT’
Students will be advice, monitored and evaluated by the appointed supervisor The supervisors will be appointed by ICAM and coordinator based on the area of specialization SUPERVISOR
All students are required to form a group Business student MUST choose any topic from the core modules (Semester 1 – Semester 4) GROUPING & TOPIC
A graphical representation of the duration of tasks against the progression of time A useful tool for planning and scheduling projects Illustrate the start and finish dates of the work breakdown structure of the project GANTT CHART
ACTIVITIES WEEK Topic Confirmation & Discussion With Supervisor Preparation Of PSM Proposal Submission Of PSM Proposal Preparation Of Chapter 1 Preparation Of Chapter 2 Preparation Of Chapter 3 Course On Using The Equipment Sample Preparation I) Pure Chitosan Sample Testing I) Ft-ir Data Analysis Preparation Of Chapter 4 Preparation Of Chapter 5 Submission Of Draft Report Edit Report Submission Of Final Report Preparation For Oral Presentation Oral Presentation EXAMPLE
CALENDAR WeekActivitiesRemarks Week 1 Research Project briefing and Registration Attendance is MANDATORY Week 2Dateline for Registration Week 3 Dateline for changing of title Final listing of groupings and Supervisors If any, Week 4Submission of RP proposal to supervisor Week 5Research Project preparation Week 6 Research Project preparation Seminar Seminar: Attendance is MANDATORY Week 7Research Project preparation MID-SEMESTER BREAK Week 8Research Project preparation Week 9Research Project preparation Week 10Research Project preparation Week 11 Research Project preparation Draft (Final Report) Submission to Supervisor and Second Examiner Week 12Presentation & Demonstration (if applicable) Week 13Report amendment(s)If any Week 14 Submission – Final report & CD Research Project Fiesta RP Fiesta: Compulsory REVISION WEEK FINAL EXAM
The proposal is written in future tense. 1.Blank Page 2.Title Page 3.Table of ContentsTable of Contents 4.List of TablesList of Tables 5.List of FiguresList of Figures 6.Chapter 1 i.Background of the Study ii.Statement of the Problem/ Rationale iii.Research Objectives 7.Chapter 2 – Literature Review / Technical Review 8.Chapter 3 - Methodology PROPOSAL GUIDELINES
Font Type And Size: Proposal and final report must be typed using Arial and a 11-point font size Margins: Top, right and bottom margin are 2.5 cm Left margin is 4.0 cm FONT & MARGINS
The report is typed in 1.5 spacing: 4 lines before the chapter number 4 lines after Main Heading 3 lines before sections 2 lines after sections 2 lines between paragraphs Single spacing is used for the following: References Table or figure Appendices SPACING
Number pages on the top right margin Roman numerals (i, ii, iii) i.Abstract ii.Acknowledgement iii.Table of Content iv.List of Tables v.List of Figures Chapter 1 is not numbered but counted as page 1 PAGINATION
Submit 2 spiral-bound copies of the proposal using white cover and transparent plastic cover Use 80gm paper BINDING PROPOSAL
TITLE PAGE FORMAT TITLE PAGE FORMAT The following particulars should be included in the title page using font size 16: Title of project in UPPERCASE Name of Supervisor in UPPERCASE Name of students in UPPERCASE Programme Name Name of College Month and year of submission
Length of pages for proposal and final report The Research Proposal: 2-5 pages excluding the Title Page, Table of Content, List of Tables, List of Figures and Appendices The Final Report: not be less than 30 pages excluding Title Page, Acknowledgement, Table of Content, List of Tables, List of Figures and Appendices TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS
References References are the term commonly taken to mean a list of works cited The student are to follow the American Psychological Association (APA) style References are to be arranged in alphabetical order CONT’
Appendices Appendices are placed after the reference list Details of the appendices are listed by type in the Table of Contents Original Data Group by type, e.g. Appendix A Questionnaire, Appendix B: Original Data CONT’
CONTENT SUPERVISORSECOND EXAMINER APROPOSAL Overview of the Project Objectives Statement of Problem/Rationale 10% NA BPROGRESS Planning and Scheduling Teamwork Consultation sheet 20% NA CPRESENTATION Creativity (e.g. visual aids/video) Content Presentation Skills Discussion (Q&A) Research Project Fiesta 25% DFINAL REPORT Literature Review/Technical Review Analysis Findings Conclusion Recommendation References 45% 45% TOTAL100%70% EVALUATION SCHEMES