Lim Sei cK
Unit Status: Essential Unit Value: 1.0 Learning Time: 100 Hours (70GLH + 30UGLH)
1. To develop students’ enterprising capabilities, knowledge and confidence 2. To apply academic study in the key business areas such as marketing, finance, management etc
3. To help students’ identify opportunities and to create and build their own business 4. To develop an understanding and practice of social behavior
Project 100% - Assignment 1 30% (Business Plan and Presentation) - Assignment 230% (Final Report and Presentation) - Practical10% [Business Launching, Business Main Operation (including Social Responsibility task) 30%
Name: Lim Sei cK Contact No: Add.: Wordpress: Class: Every Tuesday 2.00 – 5.00PM
1. You will be marked ABSENT if you are 30 minutes late for class, unless you have a legit excuse. 2. Submit your assignments ON TIME. 20% deduction for late submission, no excuse. 3. SILENT your phones during lecture.