From The Dutch Group Nina, Jessie, Dennis, Jacomijn, Koen, Julian
Survey The Questions The Answers
Can you mention three organic foods? Most common answers: -Eggs -Meat -Vegetable
Do you think organic products are of better quality than non-organic products? Answers: -Yes 40% -Sometimes 40% -No 20% We think Yes is the best Answer because you have fewer toxins
Do you find organic food better than non-organic food? Answers: -Yes 30% -No 20% -No, i never eat organic food at home. 50% This is a view
Do you find that prices of organic food are too expensive? Answers -Yes 50% -N0 50% This is a view
For which agricultural is the most land needed? Answers -Organic Farming 100%(Correct Answer)
We have show some logos in the surveys. Which are standing for a organic produced product? 10% Correct 50% Incorrect 30% Correct 30% Incorrect 0% Incorrect
In the survey there are different opinions about organic foods. Furthermore the most know what organic farming is, but not quite. We can learn a lot more about organic food.