My Digital Story Reflect and Conect
Reflecting and collecting is using devices for evidence. We use Photos and documents and even videos to support our Portfolio.
Reflecting on what you do at work and at home helps you get a better understanding of your day. Plus you may think of things to improve what you did and possibly improve. It does not hurt to be a critical thinker. To think about what you have learnt today.
Listening at home We are listening in the Webinar our which is a classroon type situation,were we can be at home or work and still participate. Gathering here weekly to learn Reflect and Connect
Thankyou I would like to thanks the Reflect and Connect Facilitators and all concerned for letting me be apart of this course. I have enjoyed the time learning Reflect and Connect and it is something that will be a part of me forever as I have my Portfolio of evidence to prove this and one last thing I hope that one day we can meet. Thankyou…