Ms. Matthews’ Classroom
Mission Statement: My mission, as a teacher, is to help students grow. I want to help them grow in their learning, as a person, and as a part of a larger community. I will treat every student fairly, which does not always mean equally, and to help tailor my instruction to fit each individuals’ needs. I will help students learn to work together and challenge themselves. It is my goal that ever student will leave my classroom feeling a sense of accomplishment, being able to work with others, and knowing that they are cared about.
Covenant A classroom covenant needs to be created between the teacher and the students. As a class, we will discuss options for a covenant together. Students will brainstorm ideas on the board and we will use those ideas to create a covenant that we all can agree on. Once it is created, I will type the list up and have everyone sign it, including myself, and have it displayed somewhere where it can be seen at all times.
Values and Beliefs I believe that respect is the most important thing in the classroom. Students need to respect me, their fellow classmates and themselves. I also respect every student in the same way. I care about every student and want to be someone that they can come to when they need help. I will do whatever I can to help them.
More Beliefs and Values Students need to work together in order to succeed. That means that they need to work with me, their parents, and their classmates to succeed. Team work is a big part of my belief in the classroom. Every student can succeed in the classroom and rise above their expectations. I believe every student should be challenged and encouraged to reach their full potential.
Even More Beliefs and Values Learning and growth are the most important things in the classroom. Discipline is not. I plan to have a well behaved class, but not one that is focused on discipline. Every student is different and should be treated as such. I will do everything I can to help every student succeed in the way that is best for them. tools/empower-future-generations-use-sustainable-schools-as-teaching-tools/
Goals and Outcomes for Students in My Classroom Students will meet the requirements for all the standards set by the Common Core Standards for the state of NC. ( ards/common-core-tools/) ards/common-core-tools/ Students will learn respect and responsibility. Students will gain an appreciation, if not a love, for English through their participation in this classroom
More Goals and Outcomes Students will learn to read critically and look deeper into texts. Students will learn to write effectively and for a specific purpose. Students will learn to take an active role in the classroom and in their own lives. Students will gain a sense of accomplishment and success through this class.
Practices to Promote Goals To promote my goals I plan to… Plan lessons around the Common Core Standards so that students are gaining what they need to be held to these standards. I will teach students to respect themselves and others. Our statement for this will be: “To get respect, you must give respect. And we all want to be respected.”
More Practices to Promote Goals I will teach students to be responsible for themselves and their work. I will make them responsible for their own work and make sure that it is not left on someone else to take care of their work. For example, in group work, I will use techniques such as group evaluations by individual students to see how well students worked together and who contributed what to the group work.
Even More Practices I will plan activities and classroom learning situations that are fun, interactive, and rich in the material that we are focusing on. I will not have classes that consist of just me lecturing students. Students will take an active role in the classroom and participate in ways that promote self- discovery. They will complete assignments that will be interesting and not just “busy work.”
And MORE Practices… We will read and actively discuss the readings in class. We will look into deeper meanings and I will teach them to be inquisitive readers that always want to know more. We will practice writing and develop their writing through drafting, grammar exercises, revision, and brainstorming. Students will be active in the classroom and have discussions about the topics we are covering. They will help make decisions about what happens in the classroom and will be given choices on what they want to learn.
One Final Practice I will be a teacher that grades fairly, that helps students when they need it, and that assigns things that will be enjoyable, but also that stimulates learning. I will challenge my students beyond what they think they can do, but that I know that they can do. At the end of the year, I hope every student will walk out of my classroom with a sense of accomplishment because of what they have done and all that they have learned through the year.
Practices to Develop Community in the Classroom We will do activities that involve the whole class and that lets them interact with everyone. We will do “get to know you” activities that help students not only learn names, but also things about the other students in the classroom. We will have class meetings on certain days where we discuss problems in the classroom, their learning, and what they want to learn. This will allow them to express their opinion and work together to accomplish the things they want.
More on Building Community We will do group work on a regular basis in order to work on collaboration and promote working together. Students will learn to contribute equally through this and get to know their classmates better. As a class, we will talk about what it means to respect others and to accept differences in everyone. This discussion will help show students that they should respect everyone in the class and get past stereotypes and other differences.
Practices to Build Positive Relationships with Students I will let students know that they are cared about. I will express that I am there for them to talk to and help them in any way I can. I care not only about their work, but them as a person. I will ask them about their lives, such as jobs, clubs, and sports and follow up with them after big events. I will try to attend events that they are taking part in, such as plays and sporting events.
More on Building Relationships I will let them know that their opinion is valued and listen to them in a way that lets them know that they are heard. I will not hold grudges against students. If they misbehave or do something against the code of conduct, I will not let that dictate how I am to them the rest of the year. They get multiple chances with me, not just one.
Practices to Build Positive Relationships with Families I will invite parents in the classroom to observe, volunteer and even teach small mini-lessons to students if they would like. I will send newsletters home to parents that talks about what we are doing in the classroom. Will send home notes to parents periodically, letting parents know how their student is doing in the classroom. These will be mailed, not given to students, so parents are sure to receive them. I will also have a website that I update daily that contains things such as the syllabus, assignments, projects, and helpful resources. US:official&biw=1280&bih=681&tbs=ic:specific,isc:green&tbm=isch&tbnid=humF_XeKWPItbM:&imgrefurl= chette/illustration/lime-green-family-man-a-father-hugging-his-wife-and-two-children html&docid=j94bFTYrZ6HEQM&imgurl= Hugging-His-Wife-And-Two- Children.jpg&w=450&h=470&ei=v2_eTvTwNsbKgQfxvdGyBg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=925&vpy=209&dur=362&hovh=177&hovw=170&tx=127&ty=146& sig= &sqi=2&page=1&tbnh=133&tbnw=128&start=0&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:0
Appreciation of Diversity I will have a classroom that studies all different cultures, not just the one we live in. We will study characters in books we read that are of different cultures and how that is displayed through the characters. I will display different cultures throughout the classroom, particularly cultures of the students in the classroom. I will incorporate students’ cultures into the classroom, by doing writing assignments about them and having students share about them.
More Diversity I will model an appreciation and acceptance of students from all different cultures. This includes those with disabilities and those living in poverty. We will examine cultural bias in class and talk about how to be accepting of those different from us.
Motivation for Learners I will be flexible in my teaching and take ideas from other students about things we learn in class, readings, assignments, etc. I will relate lessons to students’ interests. I will allow students to have a choice in assignments, topics, etc. I will have students set goals for themselves and push them to achieve those goals. I will develop lessons that challenge them, not ones that are going to be easy for them.
More Motivation I will give consistent feedback and praise for things students do in the class. I will show how content applies to “the real world.” I will have a structured, but relaxed and inviting classroom environment. I will recognize individual achievement, not just group achievement, in all areas, in and out of the classroom.
Levels of Ability and Readiness I will differentiate my instruction to accommodate all the students in my classroom. For ESL students and those with disabilities, I will accommodate lessons to where they are easily understandable and give them extra help where they need it. I will be sure to speak slowly and clearly and use lots of visuals. I will use guided notes and graphic organizers to make information easier to understand. I will also use adapted texts that are easier to read and comprehend (leveled texts).
More on Ability and Readiness For those who are academically gifted or stronger students, I will give them opportunities for independent study projects (orbital studies) that they can do as extra assignments. I will also give them more in-depth assignments that require higher levels of thinking. For all students, I will give them an additional help they may need that I can give. When they need help outside my area, I will help them find someone to help them in that area. I will do everything I can to help each student succeed. We will also use learning contracts to hold students accountable for the work that they do and to come to an agreement between the student and myself.
Problem Solving in the Classroom When classroom issues arise, we will assess the situation and then find a way to act on it. If it is a problem with one student, I will address that student after class or at another time to try and solve the problem. I will work with that student to figure out a solution to the problem. If it is a problem with two students, I will address each student individual to figure out the problem and then meet with them together to discuss the problem and come up with a solution.
More on Problem Solving If it is a problem with the entire class, we will have a class meeting to discuss it. We will discuss the problem, why it is occuring, and what we can do to stop or change the problem. Students will come up with ideas and we will brainstorm them on the board. We will then talk about the best solutions and decide which will be the best way to solve that problem.
“Ideal teachers are those who use themselves as bridges over which they invite their students to cross, then having facilitated their crossing, joyfully collapse, encouraging them to create bridges of their own. -Nikos Kazantzakis: after-deadline.html