Fremont Elementary
Greetings Parents and students! I am thrilled to begin another awesome school year. This is my 6th year at Fremont Elementary! This is my 15th year of teaching overall. Previously I taught second grade in Eddyville, and before that in Newton Iowa; where I was a third grade teacher as well as a reading interventionist. I have also taught sixth grade at Woodside Middle school in the Saydel school district. I am very excited and look forward to meeting and working with you.
Students may enter the building at 7:50 and school announcements will be at 8:10. Your child will have a few daily jobs to attend to each morningplease ensure that they arrive on time to school. Thank you!
We will rotate our learning units year round between science and social studies. We will begin the year with social studies.
We are very fortunate to have a brand new math seriesEvery Day Math. I taught it last year, so I know just how awesome it is and how smart your child is going to be with their math skills this year!!!!
Your child will have Art, P.E.,, Music, Library and TAG. All specials will be at 1:15-1:50 except for P.E. which will be at the end of the day and it will be with the 1 st grade class.
Your child will become very independent in reading this year. They will have reading goals and work very hard to become the best reader they can be! Read to SelfWork on WritingWord Work Read to SomeoneListen to Reading
Drop Everything and Read time (silent reading time) is our time to read good-fit books every day.
Your child will receive a handout describing in detail our homework policy. Please read, sign and return the handout at your earliest convenience. Your child WILL have math homework EVERYDAY this year! Look for a yellow sheet!
I hold very high expectations for all of my students. I will not tolerate any student interfering with my teaching and/or any student from learning. It is an important belief of mine that ALL students feel welcome, safe and supported throughout the school year! Here are the Guidelines for Success: Be Nice and Work Hard. Our class mission statement is to Help NOT to Hurt!
PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDARS: Poetry CAFÉ will be Friday, May 3 rd. Details to follow later in the school year.
Your child will have a Friday folder that goes home each Friday. The folder will contain important notes, your childs work from the week. I will also communicate via and phone calls. Please send me an with your childs name as the subject line so I have your contact information handy.
We will plan on attending 2 field trips in the spring. Details will follow when it gets closer to the events.
I would love to have your help in the classroom. If you are interested in volunteering, please me. Volunteer in our Classroom!
I look forward to working with you and your child this year. It is going to be a wonderful year filled with exciting learning activities! for taking the time to attend Open House!