Modulación Analógica (AM-FM) Cx Eléctricas 09 – E.Tapia
Modulación de Onda CC (CW) Representación en dominios t-f Efectos del ruido en los receptores correspondientes
Modulation -Demodulation Ix transmission in presence of noise Ix bearing signals or baseband signals Transmitter-Channel-Receiver Frequency shifting on Tx – Modulation using a carrier Frequency shift back on Rx –Demodulation
Modulation Carrier is sinusoidal wave Amplitude, frequency, or phase are varied with a modulating wave - signal
Amplitude Modulation Message signal m(t) and carrier c(t) are independent Carrier amplitude is varied about a mean value (Ac), linearly with m(t) K a is the modulation sensiviy measured in 1/volt
Some issues on AM Overmodulation Leads to envelope distortion. The demodulator will track a false envelope and information will be lost. f c >>>> W – the message bandwidth Easy envelope visualization and tracking
Frequency Domain
Note that Mod-Demod are implemented using non-linear devices Demod are often envelope detectors AM Power and AM Bandwith Not efficient at power use (tx of c(t)) Sidebands are related each other >>>> just one is needed Hence >>>> avoid c(t) transmission and duplicate sidebands
Linear Modulation
DSB-SC- (Double SideBand-Supressed Carrier)
Coherent Detection
Note that Non coherent detection may lead to null quadrature effect Need coherent local oscillator at demodulation >> complexity >> the price
SSB MOdulation DSB-SC + Filtering for Sideband Removal Highly selective filters from cristal oscillators Coherent detector >> low power pilot carrier addition is added at transmission
VSB – Vestigial Sideband Modulation
More on VSB
Frequency Modulation (FM) f is the frequency deviation is the modulation index defined as f /f m
Which is the FM angle? << 1 radian is known as narrowband FM >> 1 radian is known as wideband FM
Noise in CW Modulation Chanel Model is AWGN Power spectral density is N o /2 Receiver model defined by a bandpass filter and a demodulator model
SNRs SNR I (Input) Ratio of the average power of the modulated signal s(t) to the average power of the filtered noise SNR o (Output) Ratio of the averaged power of the demodulated signal to the power of noise measured at the receiver output SNR c (Channel) Ratio of the averaged power of the modulated signal to the average power of noise in the message bandwith both at the receiver input
Noise in DSB Coherent Detection s(t) is the DSB component of x(t) C is system dependent scaling factor m(t) sample from stationary process of zero mean and S(f) Hence compute SNR C, DSB
Figure of Merit in Coherent Detection The quadrature component of noise is rejected in coherent detection The average power of filtered noise n(t) is Same for n I (t)
Figure …. The same holds for SSB NO way to improve SNR by increasig bandwith use in DSB w.r.t SSB The effect of modulation is just frequenxy shifting
Noise in AM From the SNR at the channel (C, AM) we desire the SNR at the output, demodulator – envelope
Phasorial Analysis
Figures of Merit Always << 1for AM envelope receivers Equal to 1 for DSB, SSB Caused by waste of power on carrir transmission Existence of threshold effect
Threshold effect in AM Detectors
Noise Effects in FM Limiter: clipp and round so that amplitude is independent of the carrier amplitude at the receiver input.
Noise Model for FM R(t) is Rayleigh Phase is uniform
Signal Model for FM
Signal and Noise in FM
Discriminator Output Provided the carrier to noise is high
FM Discriminator: S2N
Cont’ The carrier power has noise quoting effect in FM Recall that The average signal transmitted power is k f 2 P
How can we improve S2N in FM?
The conclusion FM provides a mechanism for the exchange of improved noise performance by increased transmission bandwidth FM can also reject other FM signals closed to the carrier frequency provided interferent signal are weaker w.r.t. the target FM input
Threshold Effect in FM Assumption Carrier to Noise ratio at the discriminator input >> 1 Violation to this assumption FM receiver breaks. From breaks to sputtering sounds. The formula does not hold.
No signal but Noise Ac >> n I, n Q Ac << n I, n Q P 1 noves to the origin and random phase is observed is around
Alternatevely Clicks are heard after the low pass filter
Threshold Effect As is decreased the rate of clicks grows Rate of clicks is high threshold occurs
Designing an FM System Given D ( ) Compute B T Given B T and N 0 (Noise power per unit bandwidth) Determine A C to keep above the threshold
FM Threshold Reduction FM demodulator with negative feeback (FMFB) or PLL
FM Threshold Reduction The VCO output The phase comparator output
FM Threshold Reduction (cont)
Linear Model of the PLL-FM Demodulator
PreEmphasis - Deemphasis Pre at transmitter De- at the receiver
Pre-emphasis & De-emphasis Pre at transmitter De- at the receiver