1 New Belgium Advertising Plan for the fiscal year of Prepared by Holly Farnum 4/30/14 JTC 355- Advertising Final Ad Campaign Prepared by Holly Farnum 4/30/14 JTC 355- Advertising Final Ad Campaign
2 Table of Contents 1. Situation Analysis a. Analysis of the brand b. Problems and Opportunities 2. Target Market and Audience 3. Advertising Objectives/Strategies/Tactics 4. Advertising Creative a.Message Strategy and Rationale b. Layout/Copy Example 5. Media Strategy a. Media Vehicles and Rationale 6. Budget Allocation 7. Evaluation 8. Conclusion
3 Situation Analysis Client Profile: Founded in Fort Collins in 1991 by Jeff Lebesch In 2012 expanded Forbes “Top 30 Cities for Business and Careers” Third largest craft brewery They take pride in being a small brewery located in the United States Currently sells beer in 36 states, producing 764,424 barrels of beer in 2012
4 Situation Analysis Client Profile: Culture is a big part of business High Involvement Culture Open Book Management Strategic Planning Retreat Community New brand image
5 SWOT Strengths Hundreds of beers Location Accessible and Usable website Sustainability Great work environment Good social media involvement Weaknesses Making bad batches of beer Shipping from only one location Not being able to reach everyone who wants the product Running out of resources Opportunities New Brewery opening in NC More job openings Larger outreach and more exposure Threats New competition with new location Current competition Not staying on schedule with new brewery opening Need for more advertising and exposure
6 Problem:Opportunity Statement New Belgium Brewery is a great company that is expanding exponentially; with amazing products and wonderful customer service, New Belgium stands out amongst the competitors. New Belgium is growing, but it only appeals to one certain target market; young consumers. They could increase their target market by reaching out to other consumers. With this, they need to expand their use of advertising.
7 Target market Primary Audience year olds College Students Low to middle income Intervening Audience Adults over 30 Family people Middle to high income with stable careers Tertiary Audience Media Influences Alcohol Responsibility Advocates
8 Advertising Objectives To increase awareness of brand by 30% over the fiscal year of To attract more attention to the product and brand over the fiscal year of To increase awareness of the new brewery by 30% before the opening in 2015 To increase the target market and outreach by 20% over the fiscal year of To gain consumers from the intervening audience by 15% over the fiscal year of
9 Advertising Tactics To bring attention through print media and radio ads Have an ad that can target all consumers and target audiences Use research and certain databases to find optimum places for ads Utilize media and alcohol responsibility advocates to our advantage Cultivate a larger community and build on the current culture of the company
10 Advertising Creative
11 Media Strategy Print ad: Localized, and in a few select national outlets Targetable and measurable Radio ad: Localized Targetable and measurable Social Media: Increase amount of social media Allow for two-way communication Promotions s: Send out personal s to frequent customers
12 Budget Allocation
13 Evaluation
14 Conclusion