Web technologies Session 3
Slide 3.1 To develop participants’ knowledge, skills and understanding of website structure To use the system life cycle to plan, create, review, modify and evaluate a website To consider approaches to teaching web-page design and website structure To relate web technologies to Year 9 case studies Objectives for session 3
Identify Outline of the problem Analyse The needs of the system Evaluate Refining the system Design Planning all parts of the system Implement Creating the system Test Making sure the system works System life cycle
Slide 3.3 In this activity, you will identify the features of effective website design by: creating the structure of a website representing the structure as a diagram. Activity 1
Slide 3.4 Maths English Music Art Virtual school visit Website schema
Slide 3.5 Maths English Music Art Virtual school visit index page 3 page 1 page 4 page 2 index page 3 page 1 page 4 index page 3 page 1 page 4 page 2 index page 4 page 2 page 1 page 3 Website schema
Slide 3.6 In this activity, you will identify the features of effective website design by: creating the structure of a website representing the structure as a diagram. Activity 1
Slide 3.7 Think about: objectives and activities structure and pace. Pedagogy
Slide 3.8 Use knowledge of publications and media forms to devise criteria to assess the quality and impact of multimedia communications and presentations, and apply the criteria to develop and refine own work. Year 9 Framework objective
Slide 3.9 The consultant will have decided on follow-up and planned additional support, for example: mapping the journey from Sample teaching unit 8.2 to Case study 9.3 further skills sessions to include online databases, creating and collecting forms and data, scripts in-depth look at Sample teaching units 8.2, 7.2 individual action plans web technologies in Year 9. What the LEA is providing