Regional Policy The future of EU funding - proposals from the Commission Guy Flament European Commission, DG REGIO Cardiff, 19 April 2013
Regional Policy Structure of the presentation Main principles of the regulatory framework Position Paper for the UK Timetable
Regional Policy Evolution of Cohesion policy : Conditions limited to compliance with EU legislation : Earmarking of Lisbon Strategy expenditure (Innovation,Research, ICT, Knowledge society) : Investment policy; alignment with EU 2020 objectives. Key words: results/concentration/incentives and conditionalities
Regional Policy Main principles underpinning Regulatory Framework Strategic, integrated, coordinated and coherent approach Alignment with the EU 2020 objectives: more jobs and better lives through smart, sustainable and inclusive economic growth Thematic concentration Stronger focus on results Simplification
Regional Policy Coherence of EU action: integrated approach Common provisions including CSF, Partnership Contract, Programming Possibility for multi fund programmes,for integrated territorial investments Local governance and management models Comprehensive territorial coverage: less developed, transition and more developed regions
Regional Policy Concentration on EU2020 Strategy Menu of Thematic objectives in line with EU 2020 strategy Concentration of ERDF investments on energy efficiency&renewable energy, research&innovation, competitiveness&SMEs ERDF resources:80% in more developed and 50% in less developed on these three themes
Regional Policy Stronger focus on results Focus on results: indicators, reporting, evaluation Preconditions for success : conditions for effective investments in place (ex-ante conditionalities) Performance framework for all programmes: milestones and targets (ex-post conditionalities) Macro-economic conditionalities
Regional Policy Simplification Common rules for all funds Streamlined delivery system: harmonised rules on eligibility, greater use of simplified costs, one stop shop Accreditation, annual clearance of accounts E-Cohesion
Regional Policy Programming: Reinforcing effectiveness and performance Concrete investment priorities:limited number,greater concentration of resources Stricter monitoring framework linked to performance framework Familiar system of strategic, progress and annual reporting Increased scope for financial instruments
Regional Policy State of play of the negotiations on the legislative package Partial General Agreement Strategic programming - provisions on content and scope of the adoption of Partnership Agreements and programmes Provisions on content and adoption related to the Code of Conduct on partnership Clear timelines for strategic programming More flexibility in the set-up of the structure of priority axes – concern to the Commission
Regional Policy Why a Position Paper? Context: closer alignment - Europe 2020 strategy and Country Specific Recommendations Pro-active approach: early stage information on Commission services' position on Member States' priorities for Commission's view on development needs, challenges and priorities Framework for dialogue between Commission services and Member States
Regional Policy What does Position Paper advocate for the UK? Challenges Decreasing labour market opportunities and increasing risk of social exclusion Stagnated investment in R&D&I and low availability of finance to the private sector (especially SMEs) Inefficient use of resources Funding priorities Increase labour market participation through improved labour market policies and reducing the risk of social exclusion Promote R&D investment and the competitiveness of the business sector Promote an environmentally friendly and resource efficient economy.
Regional Policy Timetable Informal dialogue with UK launched on 30 January 2013 Draft Partnership Agreement by UK – within 4 months of the entry into force of CPR Observations on Partnership Agreement sent to UK by Commission – within 3 months of its submission Adoption Partnership Agreement – no later than 4 months after its submission Submission of draft OPs– within 3 months from submission of PA Observations on OP by Commission– within 3 months Final deadline for adoption of Programmes – within 6 months
Regional Policy Multiannual Financial Framework Agreement by the European Parliament Certainty for the preparation of Partnership Agreements and programmes Accepts the new category of regions Recognises the need for investment in growth and jobs for all EU regions
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