Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board – supporting structure 01 July 2011
Drivers for change Policy landscape is changing at pace and we need to keep up Service provision, under constrained economic circumstances, requires ingenuity and fresh thinking The Board has a duty to integrate services and needs a resource that helps it to do this The Board has to use the resources that it can call upon in a smarter and more agile way
Health and wellbeing A combination of delivery groups, partnership boards, programme boards, working groups… Adult Joint Strategic Commissioning Group Adult Strategic Partnership Adults Safeguarding Board Alcohol Delivery Group Breast Feeding Working Group Carers’ Partnership Board Health and Social Care Forum Health of Looked After Children Working Group Healthy Child Programme Board Healthy Lives, Healthy Weight Immunisation Strategy Group Joint Commissioning Group Promoting Healthy Weight in children and families group Physical Activity Partnership LSL Sexual Health Programme Board Learning Disability Partnership Board Lewisham Food Strategy Group Lewisham Maternal and Neonatal screening programme assurance and monitoring group Maternity Matters Steering Group Maternity Services Liaison Committee Mental Health Partnership Board NHS Health Check Programme North Lewisham Health Improvement Plan Stakeholder group Older Adults Partnership Board Positive Ageing Council Smokefree Future Delivery Group Teenage Pregnancy Task Group Whole Systems Group Younger Adults Partnership Board Current architecture and many more…
Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board Prevention and Wellbeing Maintaining and improving health Specialist Care and Whole Systems High levels of care and support, specific conditions and the systems and processes in place to support them How people are supported to manage their health and wellbeing, how they access early intervention community services for support and how they maintain their independence. The activity that partners can undertake to influence behaviours, attitudes and lifestyle choices and thereby have a positive effect on public health more generally. Three Co-ordinating Groups: Co-ordinating Groups
Co-ordinating Groups and Working Groups The role of each Co-ordinating Group is not to manage all activity within its remit, but to identify areas of focus and charge people to undertake short-term project/working groups These working groups will bring together officers nominated by partner organisations to contribute to time-limited, facilitated projects Each project will focus on progressing specific activity or developing a response to a specific question or challenge. The results of each project are reported back to the Co-ordinating Group and, where it relates to a strategic priority, the Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board
Can early intervention post- discharge divert more people from residential care – how might this work in Lewisham? Co-ordinating group identifies an issue Partnership working group is convened and determines parameters Weekly meeting for 12 weeks, facilitated to remain on time and on task Working group finalises outputs and reports back to Co-ordinating Group and SHWB Agree to review existing activity but to use this to develop specific cross agency pilot schemes for Lewisham? Combination of activity to develop and test out possible ideas Output eschews traditional report and suggests four potential prototype schemes for implementation Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board identifies priority areas Enable residents to take steps to maintain their independence and manage their conditions
Rationale Reduces bureaucracy - decreasing the number of groups without losing the ability to respond to changes in policy or provide focus on a specific problem/challenge Draws upon the range of skills and expertise that exists in each organisation Minimises the burden on individual officers Enables voluntary and community sector organisations to determine at what level and with what frequency they want to be involved Provides a resource to the Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board to focus activity and maintain momentum Shifts the focus of partnership-working from information-sharing to active delivery. Makes better and more proportionate use of resources that are available to all partners Rationale An approach that:
Next steps Review all health and social care supporting groups in light of the proposed new arrangements and in discussion with members of each group: Do they add value and deliver improvements? Is their remit current and are they held to task for delivery? Are they an appropriate use of officer resource – both in terms of attendees and back office support? Are they working partnerships with representation from different agencies or are they single-organisation or bi-lateral management groups in all but name? Retain those boards and groups which add value and ensure delivery. These can influence the Co- ordinating Groups, inform strategic direction and request support. Disband groups but ensure that members of these groups are part of the pool of stakeholders available for each working group or co-ordinating group.