Personal Finance Course The Royal High School
1200 pupils 200 in S5 Required an alternative to the Intermediate 1 course, for pupils who had passed SG Maths at Foundation grade
Maths and Business Education Depts 5 hours timetabled each week: –2 hours in Maths –2 hours in Business Education –1 hour team teaching
Personal Finance Course Int 1 Maths NABs Practical course – involving projects like: –My first flat – researching salaries, costs of renting, cost of living –Shopping for the week –Budgeting at Christmas –How much will my first car cost and how will I finance it?
Events Tesco to look at price labels on goods Princes Street – mobile phone shops Bank representatives into school
How else can it be delivered? 10 week short course in S3 completing the Money Management unit S4 pupils not attaining in Accounting and Finance