EDOR Project Report from HEA PSF Meeting 23/11/2010
EDOR Project Report from HEA PSF Meeting How the Professional Standards Framework works Upcoming changes to the PSF How OMAC Projects might work with the PSF Potential challenges for the OMAC strand The EDOR Blog and brief introduction to LabSpace Upcoming…
How the PSF works Should be seen as a ‘starting point’: use in a way ‘that works for a particular context’ ‘What does it mean to be a professional in HE?’ Key features: Owned and developed by the HE sector Is descriptor-based Inclusive, broad-based, flexible Used by HEA for accreditation of programmes and individual recognition Two elements to use together- Standard Descriptors and underpinning Areas
How the PSF works: Standard Descriptors There are issues with SDs- current consultation and review to iron out these issues At present no stated relationship between SDs: up to users (institutions or individuals) How the PSF works: underpinning Areas Provide specific examples of what needs to be evidenced to match each SD Again, open to interpretation: as long as users/institutions clear and consistent in their use and can evidence
What does this mean for the OMAC Project Strand? Which SD and Area(s) do your resources potentially map to? Remember, there may be a number of different contexts that your resources could be used for, and therefore potentially a number of different mappings. Are your resources from an accredited programme, or related to the non-programme ‘recognition’ CPD route? How do your resources support users’/participants’ understanding and application of the PSF within their CPD? How can we best support the changing role of the academic in terms of their CPD?
What does this mean for the OMAC Project Strand? What resources are valued by staff for accreditation/recognition? Who are the current users of your resources? Can you think of other potential users, and what changes might need to be made to the resources to support different contexts? How do your resources support users’/participants’ understanding and application of the PSF within their CPD?
Challenges for OMAC Strand Agreed set of standard keywords to use for mapping of resources to PSF: HEA to investigate and produce Agreed to focus on potential links with PSF and CPD/accreditation programmes and making these explicit Engage with both programme and non-programme resources Think about how community might use resources and how to encourage usage Don’t be afraid to develop different levels of resources (e.g. individual activity through to programme) Materials to support non-programme recognition of great interest How to use our ‘critical friend’ best
HEA PSF Consultation: EDOR Blog: SCORE LabSpace: [must register- currently passworded- if you wish to use this space,