General Principle Connexional grants are for work of connexional significance which fully support the Priorities Connexional Grant Making Helping the whole connexion move forward
Connexional funds to support work proposals initiated by individuals, churches, circuits or districts Connexional Grant Making And supported by the district
New Connexional grants decision making structure replaces RMGC and other processes Grant Making Structure Small flexible specialist groups
Grant Making Structure Appoints Oversees Interacts Conference SRCCouncil
Connexional Grants Committee (CGC) (7 Members + staff support) Governance Group (4 members) Appoints Oversees Interacts Conference SRCCouncil Grant Making Structure
Grants policy Grants monitoring Grants processes Grant Making Process Connexional Grants CommitteeGovernance Group Conference SRCCouncil
Grants policy Grants monitoring Grants processes Grant Making Process Connexional Grants CommitteeGovernance Group Conference SRCCouncil Audit safeguard Investment risk safeguard Advocacy safeguard
Ministry and Mission in Britain Sub-committee (5 members + staff support) Connexional Grants Committee (CGC) (7 Members + staff support) Governance Group (4 members) Ministry and Mission in the World Church Sub-committee (4 members + staff support) Appoints Oversees Interacts Conference SRCCouncil Grant Making Structure
Ministry and Mission in Britain Sub-committee (5 members + staff support) Connexional Grants Committee (CGC) (7 Members + staff support) Governance Group (4 members) Ministry and Mission in the World Church Sub-committee (4 members + staff support) Appoints Oversees Interacts Each Stream has 3 members + staff support Conference SRCCouncil Nationals in Mission Appointments Scholarships & Leadership Training Partner Churches Work in Britain PropertyChaplaincy Youth & Children General Grant Making Structure
Questions so far? Grant Making Structure
Volunteers needed! The Connexional Grants Committee The 2 Sub-committees All 7 Grant Streams Grant Making Process The Governance Group
Innovative ideas and funding requests from: Districts Connexional Team Conference, CLT or SRC World Church Partners Grant Making Process
Ideas from Conference, CLT, SRC or from within the Connexional Team will normally be handled by the Projects Cluster of the Team Grant Making Process
Ideas from individuals, Circuits or Districts will initially be handled by the District Grants Officer Grant Making Process The DGO will then forward proposals which they feel meet the connexional criteria to the Connexional Grants Officer
Ideas from individuals, Circuits or Districts will initially be handled by the District Grants Officer Grant Making Process The DGO will then forward proposals which they feel meet the connexional criteria to the Connexional Grants Officer District Grants Officer and Connexional Grants Officer work collaboratively on these proposals to refine and improve connexional impact
Initial scrutiny from appropriate Team staff: Grants Officers scrutinise District Proposals World Church staff scrutinise Partner Churches proposals Grant Making Process
DistrictsPartner Churches Ideas and Proposals from … Grants Officers assess proposals WCR staff check and refine if necessary
Connexional Team Grants Officers move proposals through to the Grant Streams Grants-making Process
DistrictsPartner Churches Ideas and Proposals from … Grants Officers assess proposals WCR staff check and refine if necessary Partner Churches Work in Britain PropertyChaplaincy Youth & Children General Nationals in Mission Appointments Scholarships & Leadership Training Grants Officers process proposals through approval system
Connexional Grants Committee: over £100k Streams decide: up to £30k Sub-committees decide: up to £100k Grants-making Process
DistrictsPartner Churches Ideas and Proposals from … Grants Officers assess proposals WCR staff check and refine if necessary Partner Churches Work in Britain PropertyChaplaincy Youth & Children General Nationals in Mission Appointments Scholarships & Leadership Training Grants Officers process proposals through approval system >£30k? Mission and Ministry in Britain Sub-committee Mission and Ministry in the World Church Sub-committee Connexional Grants Committee >£100k? Y YY Y Streams approve Sub-Cttees approve N NN N
Decision to make the grant Grants-making Process Project implementation
Questions? Grant Making Structure
Connexional grants are for projects of connexional significance 1.Project targets society outside church culture 2.Models excellence and good practice Grants-making Criteria All projects must be consistent with Our Calling and support the Priorities Specific criteria: 3.Potential to learn lessons for the Connexion
Connexional grants are for projects of connexional significance 4.Ecumenical and high impact 5.Serves the whole Connexion strategically Grants-making Criteria Specific criteria (contd.): 6.Supports mission through Methodist heritage 7.Some exceptional ongoing local work
Questions and Discussion Grant Making Structure