Newborn Bloodspot Screening: Getting it right, the 1 st time Sarah Clarke, Jan Pullinger & Carolyn McMahon Screening Coordinators, Maidstone & Tunbridge Wells Hospitals April 2011
Practice Historically little formal teaching Learning from colleagues Competency
Problems Education & Training Variety of Techniques Staff rotation Working Practices Need to implement new practices Requests for repeat samples
What we did Made a film: Explaining importance of obtaining good quality blood spot, the 1 st time Illustrating good technique Reminding of responsibilities
Use of the film To show on Mandatory Day 3 Pre and post film questionnaires Distributing to Community Teams Part of induction when starting in community Evaluation Forms Include SCBU Paediatricians
The Future Expect repeat rate to drop Identify individual learning needs, supporting colleagues with repeat requests Consider change of lancet device All principles in film still important Evaluation