Trade4Life and the KangaWrap project
The mortality rate of children under five in Asha slums is 30 per 1000 live births. The under-five mortality rate in India is 76 per 1000 live births, and the equivalent in India's slums of 100 per 1000 live births. ** 96% of children under 5 are immunised against 10 vaccination preventable diseases in Asha areas - there is now virtual elimination of most of these diseases. 84% of under-5 children are healthy for their age. In India as a whole, only 41% of under-5s are healthy. ** Every mother in Asha areas receives proper maternal care, whereas only 74% of mothers in India receives antenatal care ** 100% of new mothers in Asha areas start breastfeeding within 6 hours, as opposed to only 37% in India countrywide. ** There have been no maternal deaths in Asha slums since The number of patients suffering from tuberculosis has fallen steadily in Asha slums, and 99.3% of sufferers are receiving regular treatment. References: * WHO Statistics, ** The State of the World's Children (Unicef)
“Africans are the people best placed to solve their problems, through hard work, innovations and bringing quality products to the global market.”
Baby wrap drawstring bag being cut by Craft Aid employee
Baby wrap being sewn by Craft Aid employee