AAIA Conference: Keeping up to date - Ofqual Activity Stephen Anwyll, Head of National Assessment, Ofqual 4 th October 2012
EYFS Assessment 2-3 year Progress Check How will parents perceive it? New EYFS Profile Are ‘expected’ levels of a similar pitch? How useful is the exemplification? What training will be provided for teachers and for moderators? How helpful will Y1 teachers find Profile outcomes? How will a ‘good level of progress’ be defined? How will Ofsted expect to see progress in EYFS?
Phonics Screening Check How are results interpreted and explained to parents? Is the Check identifying the children who really need additional support? What’s the correlation between performance in the Phonics threshold and in KS1 Reading (or EYFS measures)? How will Ofsted interpret and use the outcomes? What are the pressures on Y1 (and Y2) teachers?
Phonics Screening Check 2012
End of Key Stage 1 Low profile – what’s happening on the ground? How are different schools now making use of the tests to inform their TA judgements? What’s the impact of KS1 being used as a baseline for a primary Progress Measure? How is moderation working – what differences with the models for EYFS and KS2? Are LAs able to meet minimum requirements and are they acknowledging conflicts of interest?
End of Key Stage 2 Strong improvements in results this year How did schools respond to external moderation of Writing TA in 2012? What were the key issues for LAs in organising and running moderation? National training, exemplification, appeal procedures? Differences with the models for EYFS and KS1 and conflicts of interest?
End of Key Stage 2 Selection of schools for external moderation in 2013? What difference will the earlier submission of TA outcomes (in June) have? What will be the impact of 2012 results on entry levels for Level 6 in 2013? How will schools respond to the new G,P&S test? How will G,P&S outcomes be reported and contribute to any accountability measure?
End of Key Stage 3 and overall When is the ‘end of KS3’? How are KS3 teacher assessments now used? What is the impact of the Ebacc? How is KS2 attainment used on entry to Y7? Do secondary schools know about early TA in 2013 and externally marked level 6 tests? What about assessment in the era of the new National Curriculum?