Moving On Up …how to move up the levels What to do to get a L5 or higher
Assessment Focus In English there are a range of different skills that you need to show in your reading and writing To help you target what to do there are writing and reading assessment foci (AF) Try to think: Am I using the AF’s to help me improve? What do I need to do to get a Level 5?
Moving On Up …how to move up the levels Writing AF5: Vary sentences for clarity, purpose and effect. Vary the length, structure and subject of sentences to add emphasis or clarity to your writing = L5 skill
Moving On Up …how to move up the levels Writing AF5: Vary sentences for clarity, purpose and effect. Vary the length, structure and subject of sentences to add emphasis or clarity to your writing
Moving On Up …how to move up the levels Writing AF5 – vary sentences for clarity, purpose and effect. Use a wider range of connectives to clarify relationship between ideas, e.g. although, on the other hand, meanwhile
Writing AF5 – vary sentences for clarity, purpose and effect. Always use sentence structure to build up detail and layers of meaning. Check your writing
Writing AF5 – Vary sentences for clarity, purpose and effect Vary the length, structure and subject of sentences to add emphasis or clarity to your writing = L5 skill
Writing AF5 – Vary sentences for clarity, purpose and effect Always use sentence structure to build up detail and layers of meaning = L5 skill
Writing AF5 – Vary sentences for clarity, purpose and effect Use a wide range of connectives to make ideas clear e.g. although, on the other hand, meanwhile = L5 skill
Writing AF6 – Write with technical accuracy of syntax and punctuation Make sure you use a full range of punctuation accurately to mark out sentences, including speech punctuation
Writing AF6 – Write with technical accuracy of syntax and punctuation To gain a L5 check that word order and punctuation in sentences are accurate
Writing AF 3 – organise and present whole texts effectively To gain a L5 make sure your ideas are is structured clearly, with sentences organised into paragraphs
Writing AF 3 – organise and present whole texts effectively To gain a L5 make sure your ideas are organised and well developed e.g. closings refer back to openings
Writing AF 3 – organise and present whole texts effectively To gain a L5 ensure that the text has clear links and that there are connections between paragraphs
Writing AF4 – construct paragraphs and use cohesion within and between paragraphs. For a Level 5 make sure that your paragraphs are clearly structured and that there are chronological or logical links between paragraphs e.g. make your writing flow.
Writing AF 4 – construct paragraphs and use cohesion within and between paragraphs. A level 5 writer needs to make sure that they use a range of devices to make sure their text and the ideas are clear e.g. connectives, links between the beginning and end
Writing AF 1 – write imaginative, interesting and thoughtful texts. You have relevant ideas and your material is developed with imaginative detail if you are a L5
Writing AF 1 – write imaginative, interesting and thoughtful texts. A level 5 writer will always try to develop their ideas and their material will be appropriately shaped for the type of text that they are writing e.g. thinking about PALL before writing
Writing AF1 – write imaginative, interesting and thoughtful texts. To gain a Level 5 make sure that you establish a clear viewpoint in your writing e.g. develop a character in your writing or develop a strong voice
Writing AF 2 – produce texts which are appropriate to task, reader and purpose A level 5 writer will make sure that the main purpose of writing is clear and consistently maintained in their work
Writing AF 2 – produce texts which are appropriate to task, reader and purpose To achieve a L5 you should always write in the correct form of the text e.g. newspaper, diary, reports
Writing AF 2 – produce texts which are appropriate to task, reader and purpose You should always try to write in an appropriate style and keep the reader’s interest throughout a text to gain a L5 e.g. think about how the text should be written and the layout HOW TO MOVE UP THE LEVELS
Writing AF 7 – select appropriate and effective vocabulary. To achieve a L5 you should choose vocabulary carefully for effect e.g. experiment with word choices HOW TO MOVE UP THE LEVELS
Writing AF 7 – select appropriate and effective vocabulary. To gain a L5 you should use a reasonably wide vocabulary e.g. get into the habit of using a thesaurus HOW TO MOVE UP THE LEVELS
Writing AF 8 – use correct spelling. To gain a L5 you should be using the correct spelling of common grammatical words consistently e.g. check the spelling of key words you are using
Writing AF 8– Use correct spelling A level 5 writer should be checking their spelling and looking for key errors. e.g. Learn the correct spelling of words you frequently get wrong
Reading AF 2 -understand, describe, select or retrieve information from texts and use quotation and reference to text. A L5 writer should always make comments which are supported by relevant textual reference or quotation
Reading AF 2 -understand, describe, select or retrieve information, or ideas from texts and use quotation and reference to text. You need to show that across a range of texts you can identify the most relevant points clearly e.g. picking out key ideas or finding important information
Reading AF 3 – deduce, infer or interpret information, events or ideas from texts You need to make comments that develop your explanations and explore inferred meanings e.g. you look carefully for ideas in the text that are not obvious on the first reading
Reading AF 3 – deduce, infer or interpret information, events or ideas from texts Your comments should be based on textual evidence to get a L5 e.g. you back up ideas with careful choice of quotations
Reading AF 4– identify and comment on the structure and organisation of texts You should comment on the choices author’s have made to craft a text to get a L5 e.g. you explain what the author has done and what the effect is
Reading AF 4– identify and comment on the structure and organisation of texts You can spot different devices that help organise the text and you can explain how they work e.g. “each section starts with a question to draw the reader in”
Reading AF5 explain and comment on writers' use of language. To gain a L5 you should try to spot the way the writers uses language and explain why e.g. “when it gets to the robbery they speak in short sentences and quickly which makes it more tense
Reading AF 5 explain and comment on writers' use of language. A L5 writer will try to comment on the effect of writer’s language choices e.g. “ ‘inked up’ is a good way of describing how the blackberries go a bluey black colour as they ripen”
Reading AF6 – identify and comment on writers' purposes and viewpoints, and the overall effect of the text A L5 writer will try identify the main purpose of a text e.g. The writer tries to persuade the reader to agree that you should donate to the charity.
Reading AF 6 – identify and comment on writers' purposes and viewpoints, and the overall effect of the text To get a L5 you should identify the author’s viewpoint and explain the point of view e.g. In the last verse, the poet looks back on his family and the memories he has. they are
Reading AF 6 – identify and comment on writers' purposes and viewpoints, and the overall effect of the text To get a L5 you should be aware of effects on the reader and explanation how they were achieved e.g. “You’d be persuaded to sign up because 25p a week doesn’t seem that much to help someone see”