It's showtime, it's showtime! Stage lights ready to glow. It's showtime, it's showtime! Ready to start the show. It's showtime, it's showtime! Let's get ready to roll. Lights! Music! Make-up! Action!… Showstoppers – curtain call! It’s Showtime! Ruth Wills and Cornerhouse © Scripture Union 2008
God has a plan for his wonderful world, God sent his Son for us all, God has a plan and together we sing, Our ‘Showstoppers’ song to him. It’s Showtime! Ruth Wills and Cornerhouse © Scripture Union 2008
It's showtime, it's showtime! Stage lights ready to glow It's showtime, it's showtime! Ready to start the show. It's showtime, it's showtime! Let's get ready to roll. Lights! Music! Make-up! Action!… Showstoppers – curtain call! Yeah! It’s Showtime! Ruth Wills and Cornerhouse © Scripture Union 2008
God loves us all in his wonderful world. God always hears when we call. God loves us all and together we bring, Our ‘Showstoppers’ song to him. It’s Showtime! Ruth Wills and Cornerhouse © Scripture Union 2008
It's showtime, it's showtime! Stage lights ready to glow. It's showtime, it's showtime! Ready to start the show. It's showtime, it's showtime! Let's get ready to roll. Lights! Music! Make-up! Action!… Showstoppers – curtain call! It’s Showtime! Ruth Wills and Cornerhouse © Scripture Union 2008