Evening Programme Four groups – your cards show your order Sessions for all on the topics below: 1.Supporting the learner from home 2.Maths support 3.English support 4.Science support Come back to the Theatre for 8:00
Where to go next?
Make It Count! What can a parent do? Supporting from home.
1. You are your child’s best and favourite teacher Your support, encouragement and interest can make a spectacular difference to your child’s motivation and ability to cope with the academic and organisational demands of the exam years.
2. Know your different jobs! Attendance officer – make sure they get to school (and on time) Researcher – find out when your child’s exams are, when revision clubs are on and attend parents evening Supplier – make sure they have everything they need for revision and exams
Banker – paying for the things they need (pens, pencils, books, snacks(!) Study-buddy – help them revise, test them if they ask Project manager – encourage them to stick to the revision plan, impose the “rules” The caretaker! The therapist! The doctor! The driver! The butler! The bouncer! The cook! The BOSS!
3. KISS: Keep It Short and Sweet Sit down and plan a revision timetable with your child – don’t just expect them to design one themselves! If they do say they have one, ask to see it and praise their efforts. Check that it is realistic. Get a copy and build in some “treat time” or time where you can be available for support – be it testing, reading out loud or just study-buddy.
4. The study environment The last thing your child needs is the constant bzzz bzzzz of SMS, BBM, Facebook and Twitter. Set clear boundaries No phone during revision (30 – 40 minutes!) A lesson lasts 60 minutes and they can cope easily at school. Support this – offer to keep the phone away while they revise. Praise and support their efforts! Provide a quiet place to study.
5. Bed and rest Sleep and rest is really important – make sure they get enough (but not too much!) Plan a time to stop revision and praise the evening’s efforts. Do something different – watch TV, go out for a walk. Switch off from the focus and stress of revision. In between revision periods encourage them to get some fresh air, a drink and enjoy the break.
6. Manage the stress Your child is going to get stressed about exams – it is normal and healthy to do so. Manage the stress with: Encouragement – “You’re trying so hard and I’m proud of you” Time out – “You’ve worked hard – let’s get out of the house for a bit” Ignoring the moody teenager – Ignore as much as you can, a confrontation with a revision stressed teenager is never going to go well! Praise – “Well done! That’s another good revision session complete” Non confrontational challenge and language – “Playing Xbox is a good way to unwind but it’s revision time. Is there a problem with what you are doing?”
7. I did it my way! They may not be doing it the way you like or want or the way you think they should. But if they are doing it, that is what matters!
8. Exam day The brain dehydrates over night so encourage a drink in the morning Breakfast – helps concentration Uniform or clothes ready and clean Equipment ready the night before Leave the last minute advice – just give them a hug
Plenary Session Exams start on 8 May and run until 23 June Year 11 will go on formal study leave on 5 June All students have had exam timetables and will be given extra copies and a final one posted home All students have a revision planner and should be revising over Easter A number of revision sessions are taking place over Easter and you have a copy of these More information and resources on our website Everything is in place for success, but the work needs to be done
Please…….. Make It Count!