Making the Business Case for Intergenerational Working Ross Borman & Stephen Press The Southampton Partnership.


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Presentation transcript:

Making the Business Case for Intergenerational Working Ross Borman & Stephen Press The Southampton Partnership

Aims of Session: Reflect on Claire’s L&D programme Answer the question “What Service delivery option vehicle should you choose?” - we aim to prove the IG approach is best

The IG L&D programme (1) - Focus Making the case for IP & influencing the mainstream - how practically can these be taken forward? Where does IP fit with Total Place? If we invest in IP what are the potential rewards? - demonstrating efficiencies through IP - potential to develop volunteering roles? IP role in creating and sustaining social capital and growing its potential - is IP a tool that generates more than it sounds? Adding value especially at County level – how best can we make a difference? Sustaining IP when the funding runs out Developing good practice - impact assessment and tracking changes over time

The IG L&D programme (2) Given: Getting LSP ‘buy in’ What can we achieve without funding [GT] Developing and defining the role of IG Champion – Officer Making the Health case – involving PCTs Developing recruitment strategies for volunteers

The IG L&D programme (2) Neglected: Sharing how LAs engage elected members Learning from successful GT applicants in putting a successful bid together putting in place an effective partnership with shared outcomes

Value for Money? ? What’s it about - ? Doing more for LessDoing the same for less Doing less with even less Doing more with the same Doing a lot more with a little more

Making the “Value for Money” Business Case

VfM Definition: The mix of quality, cost, resource use, fitness for purpose, timeliness and convenience to judge whether or not, when taken together, a service constitutes value.

VfM Definition: Relationship between the 3 E’s Economy - Measuring the cost of providing a service (inputs) Efficiency - Measuring productivity, or how much you get out (output) compared to what you put in Effectiveness - A measure of what has been achieved or outcomes. But don’t forget to look for the: Social Value / Social Return on Investment as well

Value for Money

VfM’s 3 E’s- Economy Measuring the cost of providing a service (inputs) e.g. The cost per hour of care workers The cost of rent per square metre of accommodation

VfM’s 3 E’s- Efficiency Measuring productivity, or how much you get out (output) compared to what you put in It covers the efficiency of the service (input) e.g. The number of people visited per home care worker per week.

VfM’s 3 E’s- Effectiveness A measure of what has been achieved or outcomes. e.g. The number of people able to remain in their own home through receiving support from home care workers. Key outcome issues: User’s views – do they value the outcomes? Equality Sustainability

and Social Value The collective gain to the community from commissioning / procurement over and above the direct purchase of goods and services e.g. the Added Value outcomes of: Use of freed-up resources that would otherwise be needed to run a care home e.g. Convert it into centre for whole community

VfM Principles for Partnership Working at Southampton (1) The SP’s VfM Assessment Framework structured around the following 6 principles: Setting joint strategic and operational objectives Better targeting of mainstream spending to meet local needs Levering in additional resource

VfM Principles for Partnership Working at Southampton (2) Investing in services that can reduce long- term costs to the public sector overall Sharing capacity and resources Partnership Rationalisation

Lessons Learnt So Far Check out the Southampton Partnership website Our Value for Money Approach to Partnership Working For the VfM Framework, Toolkit and Case Studies

VfM Case Studies planned for CO2 Emissions in operational buildings Community Safety – Night Time Economy Supporting People – Life to the Full, a SIGN Intergenerational project Smoking Quitters Apprentice Scheme for Looked after Children – a SSDZ Project The Annual Polygon Clean up CORVU: To integrate CorBusiness with PARIS, Uniform and Lagan ( a new SCC - commissioned study)

Lessons Learnt from the VfM Case Studies Show where Partners, only by working together, have successfully delivered important projects that achieved significant outcome improvements in Key Priority areas for the city. Identified how the projects caused Partners to act differently by creating innovative ways of working. Found VfM achievements and identified lessons learnt around the 3 E’s and achieved additional Social Value returns for the city.

A VfM Case Study Toolkit We intend it to be for : Providers, Commissioners, and Procurers of services, those who Measure.

Life to the Full Go to Handout – Worked Example: Life to the Full The evaluation process: The 3 E‘s & Social Value measures The separate Programme Management tool

The potential power of true collaboration and shared ambition is vast SHAPe PCT Soton Energy Partnership SCC Hants Constabulary Safe City Partnership Tenants Federation Business Southampton Soton Inter- generational Network Chamber of Commerce Hampshire Probation Trust Jobcentre Plus Universities FE Colleges Schools Health & Well-being Partnership SUSTAINABLE GREEN & ATTRACTIVE ENVIRONMENT CHAMPION Seniors Council PUSH / Solent LEP West Quay

The potential power of true collaboration and shared ambition is vast SHAPe PCT Soton Energy Partnership SCC Hants Constabulary Safe City Partnership Tenants Federation Business Southampton Soton Inter- generational Network Chamber of Commerce Hampshire Probation Trust Jobcentre Plus Universities FE Colleges Schools Health & Well-being Partnership WELL-BEING CHAMPION Seniors Council PUSH / Solent LEP West Quay

and Finally….. The challenge is – How to make it a reality? Thank you