C&YP Involvement in Commissioning Process “You’re Welcome” Making Health Services Young People Friendly.


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Presentation transcript:

C&YP Involvement in Commissioning Process “You’re Welcome” Making Health Services Young People Friendly

Commissioning for health and wellbeing means involving the local community to provide services that meet their needs, beyond just treating them when they are ill, but also keeping them healthy and independent. Putting People at the Centre of Commissioning

 Competency 3. “Proactively seek and build continuous and meaningful engagement with the public and patients, to shape services and improve health.” World Class Commissioning Corporate Communications & Engagement Strategy  Corporate objective. “To engage with public and patients whether through specific programmes or locations or through stakeholder or voluntary sector representation” PCT Strategic Plan Refresh Children and Maternity Strategy

Assessing Needs. JSNA Seeking Public & Patient Views Strategic review. LDD survey Designing Services. Service Specifications – patient experience You’re Welcome quality standard Encouraging Involvement Through Service Providers

 You’re Welcome supports commissioners and service providers to make services young people friendly  By 2020 DH would like to see all services used regularly by young people services used regularly by young people school and college based services school and college based services …. achieving You’re Welcome and displaying the national logo You’re Welcome

 New Child Health strategy “Healthy Lives, Brighter Futures.”  NHS Operating Framework 2009/10.  Supports the implementation of Standard 4 of the National Service Framework for Children, Young People and Maternity Services (Growing Up Into Adulthood).  Supports Royal College of General Practitioners’ initiative Getting it Right for Teenagers in Your Practice.  Can help services meet statutory requirements (such as the Disability Discrimination Act 2005) and good practice guidelines.  Corresponds to a number of public service agreements You’re Welcome Why do it?

National Indicator SetVital signs Effectiveness of CAMHS servicesNI 51x Services for disabled childrenNI 54x ObesityNI 55 / NI 56x Emotional and behavioural health of looked after childrenNI 58 Young people’s participation in positive activitiesNI 110 Prevalence of ChlamydiaNI 113x Substance misuse by young peopleNI 115 Under 18 conception rateNI 122x SmokingNI 123x Self reported experience of patients and usersx Achieving Local Priorities

You’re Welcome Understanding the role of You’re Welcome In England  NHS and independent, primary, community, specialist and acute services, as well as services that are subcontracted to provide health services to young people.  Seamless service delivery to young people, through effectively joined up services across health, local authority, community and voluntary and private sectors.  The You’re Welcome quality criteria set out principles to support health service providers to improve their services and be more young people friendly.

You’re Welcome Quality Criteria  Access  Publicity  Confidentiality and consent  Environment  Staff training, skills, attitudes and values  Joined-up working  Monitoring and evaluation, and involvement of young people  Health issues for young people  Sexual and reproductive health services  Child and adolescent mental health services

You’re Welcome Self Assessment Tool  Team Approach  Self Assessment: Starting Out Getting There Meets You’re Welcome  Evidence  Some elements essential in order to meet You’re Welcome

Self Assessment Tool  1.4 Access: to abortion  1.5 Access: making appointments and attending consultations  1.7 Access: disabled access  3.1 Confidentiality & Consent: written Policy  3.2 Confidentiality & Consent: training  3.3 Confidentiality & Consent: display  4.1 Environment: safe and suitable  7.2 Monitoring & Evaluation & Involvement of Young People: client views Criteria Essential to Score “Meets YW”

You’re Welcome: Criteria 7  7.1 Involvement of young people in planning  7.2 Client views  7.3 Young people’s involvement in monitoring To get full marks you need systems in place to: Consult young people Gather information from them Regularly review this information Where necessary act on it Finally it is important to give young people feedback

Contact Details Helen Billson Senior Commissioning Manager Children & Young People, Maternity and Sexual Health The Hamlet Harrogate Thank you.