Lincolnshire and Rutland Public Service Compact – Partnership Working “A round up of other partnership activity supported by the Compact in 2013” A presentation by Chris Donkin (Facilitator for the Lincolnshire and Rutland Public Service Compact)
The TUC, Lincoln College and the City of Lincoln Council During 2013 the Compact acquired funded support for: (i) research into the number of Apprentices working in public service in Lincolnshire; (ii) a one-day workshop for those managers who are supervising Apprentices; (iii) focussed work to develop and pilot quality traineeships in public service and (iv) the delivery of an Apprenticeships Recruitment and Information Day. To roll out this work the Compact worked in partnership with the TUC, Lincoln College and the City of Lincoln Council
Research into Apprenticeships in Public Service The research into the number of Apprentices working in public service in Lincolnshire was carried out in April and May of 2013 and revealed that the recruitment of Apprentices in the sector locally was remaining steady despite the austere environment. The statistical analysis that was the cornerstone of the report has been used by many sector organisations to advise their recruitment strategies. The report can be downloaded from the Compact web site
Supervising Apprentices in Public Service The one day workshop for those managers who are supervising Apprentices was hosted by Lincoln College in January 2013 and attracted 20 attendees. Delegate feedback included the following comments: “Useful to get ideas and best practice from other organisations. A helpful gathering of minds!” “The day has given me more ideas and access to information on technology (eportfolio) and other resources. Candid views detailing good and not-so-good practice when taking on and supporting an apprentice were appreciated and valuable”
A Traineeships Summit The Compact sourced funding to host a ‘Traineeships Summit’ in September The gathering featured a C-Ex from a local authority, a HR Manager from a District Council, a senior manager from a local FE College, the Regional Manager from NAS and high level representation from the NHS and the Trade Unions. The outcome from the Summit was to stage a ‘Traineeships’ good practice event and also to pilot two traineeship projects in Lincolnshire. Currently (as a result of this work) ELDC are leading on a pilot on the coast and the NHS are leading on a pilot based in the Lincoln area.
An Apprenticeship Recruitment and Information Day In December 2013 the Compact, with generous assistance from the TUC and the City of Lincoln Council, delivered a ‘Public Sector Apprenticeships Recruitment and Information Day’. Exhibitors included 4 training providers and several Lincolnshire based public sector organisations. Over 140 young people attended and it is clear that staging this event will have a positive impact on the number of Apprentices employed locally in the sector in The event has been adjudged to have been so successful that HEEM have commissioned the Compact to deliver a similar event in June for the Health and Social Care Sector – watch this space..