Arts in Health: Improving Lives PR Toolkit
Who we are: Pauline Malins, MCIPR, Director TP Communications and Trustee of AHSW Theresa Newton, Director TP Communications
Our credentials: both former journalists each with more than 15 years senior-level experience of working in the NHS and not-for- profit public relations extensive knowledge of local media and key public sector stakeholder organisations based in the South West
Writing for the media - guiding principles clear concise relevant informative timely Plain English
Your press release should follow the rules of a good news story and tell readers: who what where when why how
Media releases – what to include one side of A4 (max 1.5) short sentences, short paragraphs eye-catching headline intro (your most important paragraph) key information – tell the story quote from spokesperson contact details
Headline: make it snappy but relevant Strapline: short sentence to amplify headline Also include: date embargo notes for editors
What makes a good news story: human interest new, exclusive, unusual topical issues (hooks) events, visits, launches success celebrities
Photo opportunities: a picture tells a story television is all about pictures be creative give good notice and detailed brief permissions – Data Protection Act audio for broadcast media
Dealing with the media: get to know them know and respect deadlines USP – sell the story follow up with a press release use e.mail copy and paste body of release into the e.mail
We can only expect journalists to be fair and accurate if respond in a timely manner with relevant information. You should: nominate a spokesperson who can talk with authority and confidence – preferably someone who has been media-trained make sure the interviewee is well briefed be sure what is the interview about, context, who else are they speaking to
Make sure you know: who the audience is? how long the interview will be? is it live or pre-recorded? where? when?
don’t give off the cuff comments – phone the journalist back be positive, not defensive prepare well three key messages – make sure you get them across never say no comment
Remember: there is no such thing as ‘off the record’ don’t let journalists put words into your mouth (‘so what you are saying….). Use your own words be concise – don’t speculate speak simply, avoid jargon, initials or long titles and ums and errs
For television: often it is how you come across as much as what you say look at the interviewer not the camera don’t fill his/her pauses by burbling on sit firmly, upright and don’t move or rock in your chair: B.B.C. don’t wear anything to distracting