The Inside Story on Payroll Giving Mervi Slade, Save the Children Anissa Msallem, WaterAid Arti Rughani, Marie Curie Cancer Care
Introduction Overview of our internal campaigns, experiences and key learnings Our top ten tips Questions
Preparations Starting point: 3% uptake 800 staff, 700 in London Last promo? Planning: Invited all the PFOs in to pitch Face to face approach chosen Freedom of choice Target: 10% uptake Theme: Going for Gold
Promotional activities Using internal communication channels (online newsletter, posters in the kitchens and toilets) Prize draw for all those who signed up during two week campaign window Trophy for best division Face to face promotions on each floor (desk drop, coffee/tea & cake, chat) Newsletter update on weeks 1 and 2 Online giving launch on intranet after week 1
RESULTS 54 employees signed up to the scheme incl. CE 21 gave to Save the Children 35 other charities supported £6,396 extra income to charities PA ‘Best internal comms since I have been working here’ 10% goal reached! External glory: winner of National Payroll Giving Excellence Awards Best Civil Society Employer Now shortlisted for Best Benefits Communication – small employer Award at the Employee Benefits Awards
WaterAid Objectives Raise awareness of payroll giving with staff Achieve 10+% uptake up from 8% Achieve Gold Quality Award Mark Good employer and set an example to others What we did Theme – linked to payday drinks Posters and internal communications PFO fundraiser – desk visits/ allocated space Beveraged themed cakes and treats Prize draw for all payroll givers – new & existing
WaterAid Results Uptake increased to 16.8% 38 charities nominated – WA & NSPCC most popular £6,166 annual value of pledges What we learnt HR buy-in makes a big difference It is not difficult; can be simple but effective Ensure messaging appropriate for all Option of a desk visit or seeing FR separately worked well Need to find a way to engage non-FR staff more effectively Cake is a great motivator!
Vital Stats & Objectives Vital Stats Our Staff HQ staff: 250 employees Regions: 3800 employees Locations 17 offices and hospices across the U.K. Last Internal Promotion c. 10 years prior to 2011 campaign Donation to any charity Staff could give to any charity of their choice via our CAF operated scheme Objectives To increase awareness of Payroll Giving at Marie Curie Cancer Care and build on donor numbers from the 2011 internal campaign (0.2% take up pre 2011 campaign and 1.6% pre 2012 campaign) To attain 10% buy in, thus qualifying Marie Curie Cancer Care for a Gold Quality Mark Award. To continue to use our own experience of internal campaigns to leverage similar promotions within Corporate Partnerships and use this template for opportunities within these companies.
The Process & Results What we did Two week teaser campaign: –Endorsement from Chief Executive and Director of Fundraising –Sharing with staff they can donate to any charity of their choice –Memos to remind staff to enter competition and attend event –Prize draw incentive - a blue iPod shuffle for individual and £100 to charity of winning team’s choice Face to face campaign at all 17 sites via WPGUK and In-House Teams(around payday!) Online sign up also promoted. Variety of communications channels used: –Posters in offices and hospices –Intranet stories –All staff s –Payslip messages for two months –Marie Curie People stories in two issues –Insert including donor joining form in Marie Curie People –Nursing & Therapies News story –Online all staff newsletter The Month Ahead Results We now have 102 payroll givers (2.5% take-up of the scheme within the organisation) Bronze Quality Mark Award status Staff donating to 47 different causes via Payroll Giving Each individual’s regular monthly donation ranges from £3 - £150 per month We have recruited 8 of 9 Executive Board members Total annual donation to charities from Payroll Givers at MCCC exceeds £14,000 (from a pre 2011 campaign total of £720 per year) We will continue to promote this on an annual basis to staff. Info on Payroll Giving is now included in the Staff Induction Pack and there is a form for employees to download on the intranet
Learnings & Top Tips Learnings Need for a longer promotional period to ensure messaging reaches the majority of our staff in the regions. Build on Payroll Giving champions – ensure regional champions too to help us grow the scheme nationally. Use case studies from this year’s recruits to promote the scheme next year, this working very well for Y2 campaign. Need to work with HR give them the tools to run future Payroll Giving Campaigns. It was an integrated campaign with input from Individual Giving/HR/Marketing&Design/Commercial/Database Services. Important to involve all your internal stakeholders in the process – automatic champions created. BONUS! Top Tips Lead by example - get a Senior Management Team member to be face of your campaign. Pick a light hearted and engaging theme. Have a face to face campaign where possible. Always offer freebies, sweet treats and a prize draw incentive. Demonstrate tangible examples of the difference a gift could make – shopping lists. Enlist Payroll Giving Champions to promote the scheme within their departments. Mention to all new staff as part of New Starter Induction. Make the most of gaining positive PR from your campaign – NPGEA/QMA/share with Corporates that you are ‘walking the talk.’ Celebrate your success and remember to thank staff!
Our Top Ten Tips 1.Support from the top 2.Get HR buy-in 3.Keep it simple 4.Use existing communication channels 5.Use personal relations & networks in the offices 6.Get timing right 7.Include regional offices 8.Get an incentive if possible: raffle 9.Cakes, biscuits, other treats work! 10.Have fun!