Public health and the urban built environment Hugh Annett Bristol Director of Public Health
I will talk about New health leadership role for local government Re-location of public health to local government Implications for addressing the wider determinants of health Embedding health within planning processes and decision making
Health & wellbeing board Statutory committee of LA Overview totality of resources for health & wellbeing Enhanced joint strategic needs assessment New joint health & wellbeing strategy
Why welcome the return of public health to local government? Local government Work (all of it) impacts on community health & wellbeing Has the legitimacy to be first among equals in partnerships (critical to addressing health inequalities) Is directly accountable to citizens Public health Seeks to understand the determinants of population health & wellbeing Works with communities & others to reduce health inequalities & improve population health & wellbeing Depends upon the organised efforts of society
We are not starting from scratch Drugs and alcohol Tobacco control MEND & equivalent Healthy schools Active ageing Mental wellbeing Healthy workplaces Community health development H & Care + C & YP Joint commissioning Transport, travel & health Spatial planning Food Housing Marginalised groups Domestic & sexual abuse
Embedding public health in all the work of the Council Members – ward, executive, scrutiny, committee member roles Officers – working vertically (with depth) and horizontally (integrating across functions) Usually supporting the work of others Occasionally engaging others in specific public health lead work The Council as a base to reach into other organisations & communities
Transport Planning Dr Adrian Davis Active Bristol Clare Lowman Healthy Spatial Planning Marcus Grant - WHO (0.1 fte) Planning and Health Stephen Hewitt Climate & carbon Dr Angela Raffle (0.6 fte) Health Policy Liz McDougall Healthy Urban Team - Synergistic core to Spatial Determinants of Health support within Bristol City Council
Joint Report of:Director of Public Health and Director of City Development Title:Planning for Health – involving the health sector in urban planning in Bristol Ward:Citywide Officer Presenting Report:Stephen Hewitt, Specialist Professional Planner (Healthy Living/Health Improvement) Contact Telephone Number: RECOMMENDATION 1. The appended protocol be agreed and signed 2. The protocol be reviewed in 12 months time and amended in the light of the reorganisation of the NHS Summary The report highlights the relationship between health and spatial planning and the case for making health expertise more readily available to City Development. It proposes the formalising and streamlining the process of embedding health advice into the development management decision-making process, based on research carried out in summer The significant issues in the report are: Agreeing a protocol between Bristol City Council and NHS Bristol (the primary care trust) for bringing health expertise into the development management decision-making process. The research carried out in summer 2010 highlighted a range of issues. These can be best worked through by putting the procedure into operation. The reorganisation of the NHS will mean revising the protocol in the future.