Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy Key aspects of the strategy in Dorset, April 2013 Chris Ricketts Head of Health Improvement Programmes.


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Presentation transcript:

Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy Key aspects of the strategy in Dorset, April 2013 Chris Ricketts Head of Health Improvement Programmes

Lifecourse/ pathway NHS Outcomes Social Care Outcomes Public Health Outcomes Primary prevention Secondary prevention Early diagnosis and treatment Effective management of established disease Rehabilitation and reablement Quality of life Preventing people from dying prematurely Treating people in safe environment & protect them from avoidable harm Helping people to recover from episodes of ill health or following injury Ensuring people have a positive experience of care Enhancing QOL for people with long-term conditions Ensuring people have positive experience care Enhancing QOL people with care &support needs Delaying and reducing the need for care and support Safeguarding vulnerable adults & protect harm Healthcare PH & prevent premature mortality Health Improvement Wider determinants Health protection Groups: Preventing premature mortality Enhancing quality of life Reablement Positive experience of care and support Safeguarding Putting parents and carers at the heart of improving outcomes Children and Young People Outcomes Maintain high levels of achievement Reduce the impact of inappropriate choices Children safe harm, neglect & exploitation

Vision To improve the health and wellbeing of people in Dorset and to reduce the inequalities in health outcomes that exist between different parts of the population. 1.People live in environments that support their health and wellbeing. 2.People, families and communities are enabled to live healthy and fulfilling lives. 3.People with increased risk of poor health are identified early on and are supported to prevent premature problems developing. 4.People living with long-term health problems avoid complications and maintain a good quality of life. Principles Collaboration Needs assessment Cost effectiveness Whole system Equitable Life-course Sustainable services Evaluation Geographical focus Aims PATHWAYS LIFE-COURSE

How to set the priorities? Is the priority expressed as a health and wellbeing outcome? Is there evidence that Dorset residents see the outcome as a priority? Is there much difference/variation between localities or different social groups in Dorset? Is there evidence that the outcome adversely affects those identified as being particularly vulnerable? In measuring the outcome, does Dorset compare poorly with other equivalent areas, or when compared with England as a whole?

What is the size of the problem, in terms of how the outcome affects the population as a whole? Is the outcome clearly measurable? Is there good evidence that the outcome is amenable to change? Are interventions effective in bringing about improvements to the outcome? Is there evidence that the interventions are cost effective? Do the interventions relevant to this particular outcome also have positive impact on other important outcomes, thereby providing opportunity to improve overall resource utilisation in relation to multiple outcome areas? Over what time period might improvement in the outcome be expected? (During 2013/14 it is expected that at least 2 priorities are amenable to short term change) Will improvements to the outcome require widespread inter-professional, intersectoral working?

Scoring matrix  March Board workshop  May Board reviews initial draft  Board feedback period during May / June  August consultation draft published  September Board reviews consultation draft  October consultation draft submitted as part of CCG authorisation process  November public consultation period ends  Reference group assimilates feedback  End of November Board revisions presented to board  December onwards prioritisation and action planning phase

From prioritisation to programme planning… to be incorporated into the work of joint commissioning groups and locality plans.
