Transnational funding Angela Hamilton Policy and Information Officer Newcastle City Council
Transnational Funding Usually at least 3 countries Small grants to large projects New programmes from 2014 Partnership approach
Connecting Europe Facility Trans-European Networks (TEN) Energy Telecommunication Transport Budget of €33bn
Creative Europe Culture Media Cross sector European Capital of Culture Budget of €1.4bn Match funding required
Employment and Social Innovation EURES MF-SE Progress Budget of €919m Work programme due Calls Spring 2014
Erasmus+ Learning mobility of individuals Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practice Support for policy reform Jean Monet Sport €14.7bn Programme released
Europe for citizens Democratic engagement and civic participation European remembrance Budget of €186m Calls planned
Health for Growth Promoting health, preventing diseases and fostering healthy lifestyles Protecting citizens from cross border health threats Innovative, efficient and sustainable health systems Access to safer healthcare Budget of €446m European Parliament 25/02/14 Work Programme 03/03/14
Horizon 2020 Excellent Science Industrial Leadership Societal Challenges Budget of almost €80 billion 100% funding
LIFE Environment Climate Action Budget of €3,456m Up to 100% funding Calls expected May 2014
Rights, equality and citizenship Exercising citizens rights Promote equality and combat discrimination Promote and protect children’s rights Protecting personal data Budget of €439m
Support available EUROCITIES EU webpages Newcastle Ideas Lab International Newcastle National Contact Points